You might want to check the toys you get the kids "twice."

This is not current events, but is still timely, "Seasonally Correct."
You might want to check the toys you get the kids "twice."

the Barbie Liberation Organization

BLO #1
"Teen Talk Barbie proved to be the final straw. People who were already upset at Barbie’s anorexic figure and her way of turning play into superficial consumerism couldn’t believe their ears when Barbie’s electric voice box giggled:
“Math is hard!”
“I love shopping!”
“Will we ever have enough clothes?”


BLO #1

"Thus, it seems inevitable that a group of feminists, anti-war advocates and culture jammers should have hacked Barbie's voice box this past December. The Manhattan-based Barbie Liberation Organization claims to have performed corrective surgery on 300 Teen Talk Barbies and Talking Duke G.I. Joes---switching their sound chips, repackaging the toys, and returning them to store shelves. Consumers reported their amazement at hearing Barbie bellow, "Eat lead, Cobra!" or "Vengeance is mine!," while Joe chirped, "Will we ever have enough clothes?" and "Let's plan our dream wedding!" A spokesman for the BLO told the New York Times, "We are trying to make a statement about the way toys can encourage negative behavior in children, particularly given rising acts of violence and sexism."

HO, HO, HO - Merry Christmas to all and to all a "Good Night!"

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