Domestic Abuse: Does money fuel false allegations?

Article here. Excerpt:

"Proclaiming his innocence, the 41-year-old Vallejo man racked up thousands of dollars in legal bills before a judge dismissed the charges a month later, saying there was insufficient evidence of domestic violence."

"Even the cop was apologetic," said Joe, who asked that his identity be disguised because his divorce proceedings are ongoing. "She told me she didn't believe (my wife), but that she had to arrest me because the accusation had been made."


Ed. note: Article mentions RADAR. Good exposure!

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Why is the US in Iraq, supposedly fighting governmental tyranny when shit like this happens here? It is a cruel incongruity that the US public will support ambiguous militaristic adventures in the Middle East while domestic terrorism runs rampant HERE!
People, and especially MEN need to get a clue about what is happening here right now under the VAWAct.

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From article:

"In 20 years, I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen anybody make a false allegation (of domestic abuse)," said Supervising Deputy District Attorney Patty Strickland. "We always have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. We're always looking for what is getting us past how she said it happened and how he said it happened."

That includes statements by witnesses or physical evidence of violence, she said.

"The standard is always the same," Strickland said. "Is there an independent witness? A child who sees this? Is her shirt ripped? Is there blood on the shirt, evidence of a fight in the home?"

This lady being quoted above must be from another universe. Does anyone know what the fuck she is talking about?? In fact, she must not even understand how the system works in her own district - as stated in the article, the police MUST arrest on an accusation alone!

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