Canadian child care tax benefit social program forces dads to get a note from their wife

From Revenue Canada's web site:
"The Canada Child Tax Benefit is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under age 18."

Just one catch... If you're a man, you need to get a note from the child's mom before you can even apply.

From the application form (.pdf file):

"[W]hen both a male and a female parent live in the same home as the child, we presume that the female parent is primarily responsible for the child and should apply, unless a note from the female parent is attached to this application that states that the male parent is primarily responsible for the child."

Imagine the uproar we'd hear if women were forced to get a note from men so that they collect on a government run program.

I haven't looked into it, but I wonder who gets the Child Tax Benefit if the parents have split custody? I think I know the answer, but it would be interesting to find out.

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"we presume that the female parent is primarily responsible for the child"

An assumption of traditional mother/father roles?

"We presume the male parent is the primary bread winner, therefore any mother would need documentation from her husband before collecting this tax benefit."


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This is disgusting!

What is wrong with Canadian men?

Are they so pussy wimped up there they won't do something about this garbage?

If they don't do something about this misandric crap then they deserve what they get!

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I'm a proud Canadian, and a vocal MRA.


You know, for someone who presumably lives under VAWA, which was re-authorized UNANIMOUSLY by your congress, senate and president, you've got some nerve insulting me for what MY government has done to men!

F4J is HUGE in Canada. Our government recently stripped the publicly-funded feminists of support for their ideological and activism efforts. There's already a letter on its way to my MP, MPP and the Prime Minister about this tax credit, and I don't even have kids! I'm investigating whether a fellow MRA with children can file a human rights complaint over this. Other causes I'm presently working on include the Liberal's recent "Pink Book", a stream of misandric advertising by my provincial government, "shout at your spouse, lose your house" laws, forcing the shelters in my region to provide proper services to male DV victims and a lengthy list of other such matters. I'm not going to disclose the specific actions I'm more directly involved in, because it could compromise my anonymity. That's why I haven't posted much here lately: I've been a little to busy doing something about the problem.

So, whenever you want to insult Canadian men, I suggest you remember that we're fighting an even more virulent strain of radical feminism up here - one that was deeply entrenched in government 30 years ago, and we're making real progress.

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I am another proud Canadian who has been fighting my ass off to get changes. I am doing more suing and less letter writing but still fighting the good fight for the sake of all men who are suffering under the current system.

You also forgot to mention the new US law which will wreak at least as much damage as VAWA and that's AWA. No law I have ever even heard of goes as far at demonizing all men. When you can add a 3 year old child to a national sex offender registry under AWA and make one government friendly GPS ankle bracelet maker extremely rich at the exclusion of all other companies there is much more severe problems that US residents need to concern themselves with then demeaning their Canadian brothers who are in the trenches fighting this global plague right along with them.

We are all in this fight together whether we know it or not and attacking our friends and brothers is not going to get us any closer to winning this fight.

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I'm sure we all appreciate your efforts and it's great to hear you're doing something and reaching people, but man, this anger..

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