"Boot camp" Guards Charged with Murder

Apparently waiting for a male to get out of adolescence is too much patience to expect from certain "law enforcers" before torturing him to death for being "uncooperative". Seems inmate abuse is an age-adjusted equal-opportunity activity, particularly when it comes to males. Read it here. Excerpt:

"A second autopsy by Dr. Vernard Adams, the medical examiner for Hillsborough County, found Anderson's death was caused by suffocation due to the actions of the guards.

He said the suffocation was caused by hands blocking the boy's mouth, as well as the "forced inhalation of ammonia fumes" that caused his vocal cords to spasm, blocking Anderson's upper airway."

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There were several articles about the death and the charges, especially a big one starting on the front page, with a big photo of the bereaved mother and photos of the 7 guards on top. One thing I noticed is that no photo was shown of the lone woman involved, a nurse who was present during the beating and who recommended not calling 911 earlier. One of the others guy's lawyers even said she is the main person responsible.

One thing of note about this case, is that it was subject to possibly racially-motivated pressure on the Forida Dept. of Law Enforcement and Bay County officials. I am still wondering about that second autopsy..was it performed under pressure? I am just expressing uncertainty. I also don't see how all 7 guards can be responsible for manslaughter. In the video, it looked like a couple of them may have barely touched the guy. I think some people might get railroaded, like the guy who resigned earlier. Sorry to change the subject.


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