A Woman Should Not Be Pregnant Against Her Will?

Ms. Magazine’s editor Eleanor Smeal tells Bill O'Reilly in this recent youtube.com interview that – "You can’t have someone pregnant against her will." Assuming that this is an expression of feminist integrity and commitment to gender equality, would it be logical to also expect feminists to agree that "no man should have to become a father against his will?"

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Smeal's inability to properly ansewer O'reilly's questions is a major reason why most feminists stay away from national news discussions. While feminism has had a huge and negative impact on modern society, their theories are generally not accepted by most of the public (women included). The feminist movement is simply an undergroud hate movement protected by political correctness. Aside from a few newspaper editorials, you rarely see Smeal or Gandy anywhere in the mainstream media. The reality? People really don't give a shit about their paranoid agenda and excessive complaining. I also believe many high profile news agencies see feminism as a joke, something not worthy of journalistic legitimacy and integrity . O'reilly might be the exception. While I don't agree with all of his views, he couldn't resist an easily won debate with a feminist. Within a few years Eleanor Smeal will be reduced to promoting her ignorance on the Jerry Springer Show.

I'm almost certain the N.O.W. needed a lenghty petition just for an invite on Diane Sawyer's show. Apparently Gandy wanted to express her disgust with Sawyer based on a past segmant called the "Mommy Wars". Feminism has become a media plague.



Doesn't the word "Smeal" sound like some kind of toe nail fungus?

Isn't Ms. Magazine on the verge of bankruptcy? Without this publication what will women study professors read while taking a dump?

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The answer to lowering abortion rates is to avoid unwanted pregnancies. In the interview, ms. smell (oops I mean smeal) claims 35% of women have had an abortion. This tells me that there is an epidemic of irresponsible morons who seek all the pleasures of sex, but, none of the responsibilities! Sexually liberated woman is just another way of saying easy whore. I have the solution for women wanting to avoid unwanted pregnancies; it’s called aspirin. Take one tablet, squeeze it between your kneecaps, and hold-on tight!

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against unwanted pregnancies - regardless of the opinion of the woman.

If a woman cannot produce a willing partner at the time of birth, who is willing to support the woman and the child, then the child should, immdediately upon birth, be taken into adoptive custody.

If the woman can prove that she can support the child through her own means, then she should be considered, AFTER WILLING AND ABLE COUPLES (I.E. 1 MAN + 1 WOMAN) HAVE ALL BEEN CONSIDERED.

If it is "poor public policy" to have a woman pregnant against her will, then it is also poor public policy to have a male victimized by this same biological process.
Unfortunately, OReilly did not have the balls to point this out.
oregon dad

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Well, I knew you gents would have some fun with Ms. Smeal's inarticulate and futile attempt to make sense.

But here's the rub ---

She doesn't have to make sense!

She has VAWA 2005 - 2010 with almost $6 billion dollars tax-payer juice guaranteed to keep her and Kim Gandy and Gloria and all the angry post-menopausal harpies living large for another half-decade!

She doesn't need to go on tee-vee. She doesn't need to leave her home ... errr.. Manhattan penthouse.

Feminism is Big Business!

It's the best example of successful socialist-capitalism we have in FemAmerika.

These gals should be teaching seminars on how to get rich by selling toxic crap.

Oh, I forgot.

They already are, in over 900 Womyn's Studies departments nationwide on the college campus nearest your locale.

A bankrupt sexist ideology can still be a money-maker.

Until they are selling pencils on street corners and wearing funny hats that identify them as mental health patients, perhaps it's prudent to take the fem-Nazis seriously?

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