England: Mother who jumped from bridge with baby is jailed for 18 months

Story here. Excerpt:

"Steven Garth, defending, said that after struggling to cope with losing custody of her daughter she became increasingly concerned for the girl's welfare"

"A psychiatrist said she was suffering from a "depressive disorder" as a result of her lack of contact with the child."

"This is one of the most difficult cases I have ever had to deal with," he said. "It is difficult because on the one hand you are an intelligent woman, you have no previous convictions and you pleaded guilty at the very first opportunity."

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How come when men do this they are viewed as evil monsters who are deserving of harsh punishment and no sympathy?

But mommy tries to kill herself and take her daughter with her and it's ok, she was just depressed, she didn't mean it.

same shit different day.

It has to stop some time though, at least I hope so.

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