Alec Baldwin on Larry King

Alec Baldwin does a good job of discussing the short end men get in "family court", and does it on Larry King no less! The transcript is here, starting about a quarter of the way down the page. Excerpt:

'And I've seen many, many men, in particular, who they gave up. I'd be sitting in the first class cabin of a plane, I'd be in a bar, I'd be in a restaurant, I'd be somewhere, I'd be in a line at the baseball game, and I became kind of, you know, a lightning rod for this issue and men would come up to me and say, you know, I fought and fought and fought and I spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless, you know, units of my own psychic energy on this whole thing and then I finally quit and I would be heartbroken. I didn't quit.'

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It's good that Alec Baldwin talks about the bias against men in family courts and the problems. He is a very famous person so he can make big differences and educate many people about this.

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I've always been somewhat critical of Baldwin using his celebrity status to impose his political ideology. Infact, I can't stand political celebrities. Anyway, Baldwins comments on Larry King has earned my respect. I might go out and rent Glengarry Glen Ross again.

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Mr. Baldwin should be the poster child for the international Men's Marriage Strike!

His sorry circumstances illustrate why wealth is no protection against a "woman scorned."

Kim B. bought a town back in her stardom daze.

I'm sure she feels entirely justified in using their child as a battlefield in their divorce.

The moral of this tawdry tale?


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She had to file for bankruptcy after the divorce(chuckle), so I guess the town was considered a "saleable asset" or whatever, by the court.


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It's only poetic justice that the people in the town Kim bought and sold are now merely citizens of a trailer park in the southern heartlands.

Trash is trash.

You can dress it up, use all the Hollywood lighting, even give it awards.

It always returns to its natural element.

If you think George Bush Jr. has a bad job, think about being Kim B's attorney!

No money is worth that degree of brain damage.....

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