Indiana mother charged with murder of her 4 children

Story here.

Apparently the husband claims the woman was "depressed" prior to the murders. She'll probably end up in a mental hospital playing ping-pong and checkers with Andrea Yates.

"A woman accused of strangling her four young children was charged with murder Wednesday, a day after hundreds of people attended the youngsters’ funeral"

"Gonzalo Lopez, father of the two oldest children, has said Alvarez was depressed after losing her job and had been hospitalized for several days."

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We all know how this case is likely to turn out, we've seein it a hundred times. But,

in all of these cases of mothers killing multiple of their own children, why do none of the children ever run away and seek help?

The oldest in this case was 8, certainly old enough to make a break for it to a neighbor's house or dial 911 or something. Heck, even old enough to put up a hell of a fight and struggle and kick and bite to try and get away. Even if she killed the oldest first, the next oldest was 6, that's old enough to grab the two younger ones and run like hell for the door. There is no way she could have strangled them all at once.

Are we teaching our children to trust mom so implicitly that even when she's killed two or three of your siblings that you should stay and die with them?

I get one or even maybe two children not being able to get away, but 4? In the similar Andrea Yates case 5 (where she had to chase down the older two after she finished off the younger ones) why did non of them leave the house or call for help?

Why don't children flee from murdering moms? They are quick to flee from angry dads in most cases even though dad's are not likely to kill them according to just about every study that's been done, but they stay with mom even after witnessing her kill their siblings.

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doe no one but me wonder how moms seem able to slowly and painfully murder one at a time 3, 4, 5 children without a single one making a break for it or calling for help? Hmm, I think its strange that they are able to do that.

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