RADAR ALERT: Truth and Consequences Campaign Reaches Over 2 Million

The Truth and Consequences campaign involved a high-intensity, coordinated nationwide effort that involved 62 organizations over a 21-week period. The campaign ran from June 19 to November 17, 2006.

The campaign was designed to reach political candidates, the media, professionals who work in the DV field, the public at large, and other groups. It is conservatively estimated that over 2 million persons were reached during the course of the campaign.

The theme of the campaign, Truth and Consequences: Election 2006, was designed to highlight the urgent need for elected officials and the American public to understand the truth about domestic violence, and to appreciate the harmful consequences of biased domestic violence laws on American families and children.

The campaign also included a “mini-campaign” regarding the United Nations’ Study on Violence Against Women.

Particularly strong efforts were mounted in California, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, and North Carolina. Campaign activities included the following:

  • Media communications:
    • RADAR Special Reports: 3
    • Press releases: 8 (each sent to 17,000 media contacts)
    • Editorials: 18 (estimated readership for each editorial: 25,000)
    • Letters to the editor: 9
    • Newspaper articles: 10
    • Radio shows: 7
    • TV shows: 9
    • Weekly Alerts
  • Conference presentations
  • Distribution of materials at conferences and meetings
  • Exhibits at conferences
  • Meetings and discussions with candidates and staff members at the local, state, and national levels
  • Communications to UN delegations
  • Meetings with clergy
  • Letters of complaint
  • Rallies
  • Anti-discrimination lawsuit
  • Participation on domestic violence coordinating councils
  • Revision of police DV manuals

Full details of the campaign can be found at this web address: http://www.mediaradar.org/docs/TandC-Accomplishments.pdf.

The extraordinary success of the Truth and Consequences campaign reflects the growing grass-roots movement that is now dedicated to reforming the Violence Against Women Act and the state laws that it has spawned. These reforms are urgently needed to stop discrimination against male DV victims, to assure the rights of the falsely-accused, and to protect families and children from undue governmental intrusion.

As we approach the Thanksgiving holidays, we thank, salute, and honor each and every person who participated in the Truth and Consequences campaign. And indeed, the truth is getting out!


Date of RADAR Release: November 20, 2006

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to assure that the problem of domestic violence is treated in a balanced and effective manner. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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The tsunami wave of communication coordinated by RADAR is impressive.

Two million people were "reached!"

Then, what happened?

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