Bush Needs to Rein in Feminist Operatives -- Carey Roberts

Article here.

Hillary in '08? Could be an M.R.A.'s worst nightmare.

"Under the Clinton two-for-the-price-of-one presidency, a bevy of feminist-inspired programs sprang up throughout the federal bureaucracy. A decade later, most of those programs are going stronger than ever, sucking up taxpayer money, violating men's civil rights, and destroying families."

"All this puts the Department of Justice feminists in high spirits, because with the stroke of a judge's pen, another family has been dissolved, a patriarch has been de-throned, and the statistics of "abused" women continue to mount."

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Once a car starts rolling down a hill without a driver it is very hard to stop it. Bush has shown very little interest in stopping the federally funded feminist misandry. They are now the status quo.

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