Woman Indicted On False Rape Claim

Story here. Excerpt:

"A Rusk County grand jury has indicted the woman authorities claim lied about being raped - a lie that jailed an innocent man for three weeks."

"She had wrapped her 7-year-old daughter, neighbors and a friend into the lie and had them giving authorities information that led to Pierce's arrest."

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"This type of lying to authorities is very seldom," Rusk County sheriff's Chief Deputy Dusty Flanagan said. "It's very seldom that this type of thing happens."

This type of lying is commonplace. This is why so many innocent men are imprisoned. The authorities are quick to believe a lying bimbo, and condemn whomever she finds convenient to accuse, without question.

I wonder if the Sheriff let Barney (I mean Dusty) put his bullet in his gun!

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This type of lying is not common and maybe it is you who needs to get your head out of your ass. So many innocent men incarcerated?? I dont think so. Yes there are a select few women who do lie but dont be so ignorant as to believe the police just put any man into prison who has been accused of rape.

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You are so sensitive madam; perhaps a little naive to boot LOL

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They locked me up without question when a mentally disturbed young woman accused me of being a participant in a gang rape at a party which supposedly occurred a decade before she brought charges. Oh yeah, and she was on a spree of charging men with rape at the time, I was the 4th person she had charged (one got convicted). All incidents were unrelated. She said the party at which she was raped occurred at my house in a town I have never lived in. She could not identify any of the others that supposedly raped her there as well. Her story was about as loony as they come.

Still cost me my job, many friends, my relationship with my fiance, and 2 years before the trial came about to actually prove my innocence.

So yeah, I pretty much think police believe any crazy woman that walks in the door and make arrests with zero evidence, based on extremely flimsy stories that wouldn't even hold up if they were told to a complete stranger walking down the street.

I think you have to much faith in the police if you think that they do proper investigations and seek out all the evidence before making arrests. In rape cases, police arrest first, ask questions never, and hope to God it sticks. Just ask the Duke lacrosse team.

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wow555, please, do some research before claiming false accusations are anything but common.

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Is this case documented? Is it what brought you here? How long was the stay in prison? Anyway, if that fiance believed some nutjob's allegations more than you, it's probably better it ended. She didn't deserve you.

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"better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer" - William Blackstone

That famous quote is known as Blackstone's formulation. Benjamin Franklin repeated it. But I guess they don't teach that in women's studies, so the feminists would have missed it. Sure, they'd happily apply it to their "sisters", but not to mere men. It's not as if we're equal in their view.

"Yes there are a select few women who do lie but dont be so ignorant as to believe the police just put any man into prison who has been accused of rape."

wow555, I pray that one day you will be correct. For now, we have plenty of evidence to back the conclusion that men are treated unfairly in sexual assault prosecutions. Where is your evidence to refute this claim? Oh, that's right, you don't have any because it doesn't exist. Incidentally, the whining of your women's studies professor and her textbook are not evidence. They're paranoia and misandry.

When you read the research and case reports available on this subject, and decide to get your head out of your vagina, do let us know - you'll find we're happy to talk about the issues affecting men today. In the meantime, I believe you'll find the sort of misandric bullshit that you apparently swallow hook, line and sinker on the Oxygen network. They're running a special on how women who murder men are the actual victims. Run along now - you wouldn't want to miss this fabulous opportunity to hate men and feel sorry for yourself.

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I hope this woman stays. I would love for her to offer insight regarding the many issues discussed on this site.

We can't rule out the possibilty of wow 55 being a male. If infact he is a mangina, theres no hope.


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"better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer" - William Blackstone

Actually, certain feminists believe that it is better that 10 innocent men are jailed to catch one who may be guilty. You can see this in the UK where there are constant media and governemental references to the changing of rape laws.

In addition, we even have government ministers telling us that we must "improve" the low rate of convictions for rape. How do you do this? In a crime where it mostly comes down to he-said/she-said, how to you increase conviction rates without applying more weight to the females statements? A very sisnister development, but one which crops up regularly now in the media when rape is being discussed.

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Wow55 offers no evidence whatsoever to back up her case. Just personal abuse. Typical feminist. When is the last time any of you guys managed to have a rational discussion with a feminist? I never have, in 20 years of trying. They are not interested in evidence and rational discussion. In fact they believe rational evidence-based discourse is a sinister male game put there to silence women's voices. That's what they teach them in 'university' these days. They still go bleating to science for help when they get sick though. Evidence-based discourse is OK as long as it benefits them.

I believe that, currently, more than half of all rape allegations made to police are lies. As a society, we have removed any disincentives to making false rape accusations, and we have put in place incentives to do so. Research has shown that there are three main reasons for making false allegations: (1) To establish an alibi. (2) To get revenge. (3) To get sympathy and attention. For more information, check out this web page.

Falso allegations will bnever stop until we put in place disincentives to discourage making them. Imprisonment and destruction of reputation are the only measures that will work.

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I can already guess the kinds of laws that Wow555 wants us to have.

1. Women who lie about being raped should not be punished.

2. A man being wrongly imprisoned for rape is just a necessary evil that society has to put up with (if, indeed, there is anything here at all to put up with).

3. Better 10 falsely imprisoned men than one unpunished rapist.

4. If a woman has lied about being raped, then the accused man should be punished severely for making her want to lie about it.

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And they all fit that description. The typical mens' site troll has recently been studied, and here is a partial list of the results:

1)Most feminist trolls grew up in a fatherless home, or the father was a derelict, and the stupid troll is subconsciously seeking revenge for all the pain her mother went through. Additionally, she thinks all men are derelicts, and she is especially pissed at that doctor who used a rusty coat-hanger.

2) Many stupid trolls (and there are no smart ones) were the only girl in the family and had 3 or more brothers; who picked on her and made her realize what a loser she is.
She is now fulfilling the brothers' wishes by continuing to be a loser..and did I mention, stupid to boot?

3) Although feminist trolls hate men, spending all their non-working hours making bogus entries on mens' sites, they have been known to socialize with other gays, who are men, and sometimes they hang out in the gym, like after their last testosterone regimen to see if it is working (why don't they just look in the mirror? Look at all that hair..gross!!).

4)There is no doubt about it..what has been usually regarded as the 'common-sense' view - that a lesbian troll pig is and always has been so ugly, she never had a boyfriend even as a teenager and so learned to hate men; this view has now been scientifically verified to be correct. Our troll has a better chance of attracting a mate if she puts on a Frankenstein mask, eats a meal of onions and tuna fish, and then goes out at night wearing a placard that says, "I have diseases you never even heard of!".

Face it, have you ever seen a good-looking lesbian? Ellen Degenerate is about as good as it gets, it's a miracle what they can do with make-up.


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.. won't get us far, really. Yes, I have seen good-looking lesbians. And no, I don't think it was a "troll post".

By the way, I personally know a woman who was raped and not believed because of the status and cleverness of the attacker. It really is a difficult problem to balance all the issues and what I think is that severe penalties for false allegations are the best way to get some justice into the justice system.
Let's not adopt the one-sided and imprudent views of our opponents. These cases are probably not rare, but it's too early to say there's an epidemic.

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However I NEVER adopt the views of my opponents..that's why they call them opponents!


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Hey n.j.,

If the stats used in the articles cited on this thread are correct, 40-50% of accused rapes are false. That in my book IS an epidemic. Let us not be so afraid to call a spade a spade here. While I agree the previous post of the description of the troll is immature and inappropriate, let's not blind ourselves to the reality that most feminists and their lapdog lawmakers and enforcers believe that it IS rare and NOT an epidemic -- or even close to it.


Evil White Male Oppressor
"I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"

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They need to do lot's more studies, which no doubt feminists object to. But there is a 25% figure based on a recent careful analysis of Dept. of Justice/FBI statistics, done by Wendy McElroy.

Check out McElroy's site

According to McElroy, the 41% figure cited by many MRA's is based on a narrow study done at just two Universities (you know - "date rape", which probably results in more frequent false allegations than in the general populace). McElroy says that study was sound, but doubts its resulting figure for the general public. I tend to agree with her on that, but again they really need to do some studies. Of course these studies would be politically incorrect BIG TIME, because just mentioning the possibility of doing one, would be to acknowledge that maybe such a thing as a false allegation can happen; which according to the feminist matra and as widely believed by the public, would absolutely never occur.


P.S. You guys don't like trolls do you? If I have to fight a one-man battle, I am going to get them off this site..by pissing them off using crude comments. They are probably seething when they read these comments..which are all true.

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