Mother not charged in child's death

Story here.

I wonder if the father would have been charged if the circumstances were reversed?


"Prosecutors won't file charges against the Knoxville mother whose 3-year-old son died this summer when her unattended car rolled over him."

"It was just a tragic accident," said John Gill, special counsel for the Knox County District Attorney General's Office. "There wasn't a crime committed."

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Oh yeah, women can't commit that one. That would mean that they are held accountable for the consequences of their actions, and we can't have that.

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.... when a woman takes actions or neglects to take actions and the result of either the actions or inactions is the death of another, the woman is grief stricken and will suffer for the rest of her life (read: victim). So it would be cruel and unusual (unusual being an understatement) punishment to actually make a woman pay a further price price for causing the death of another.

Men on the other hand, don't feel anything but horny and angry so they are never grief stricken when they cause something awful like the death of another human being, therefore crimes like 'negligent homicide' exist to make men pay for their actions since they are incapable of making themselves pay through endless grief. It's all about equality you know.

Can't punish the poor dears twice.

And in cases like this I really don't think it would be to anyones benefit to lock the person responsible in prison regardless of whether its the mother or the father. It really is a tragic accident. She really will have to suffer the grief of killing her own child through her incompetence for the rest of her life. My point is just that a father would be every bit as grief stricken and suffer the same emotional scaring as a mother would, so even if the genders were reversed I would say the judge made the right call.

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"My point is just that a father would be every bit as grief stricken and suffer the same emotional scaring as a mother would, so even if the genders were reversed I would say the judge made the right call."--Paragon

I agree. But, like you say, if a man had been responsible for this tragedy, he probably would have been sentenced to some jail time. What infuriates me is the way women commit violence against children, spouses and other family members and then do very little if any jail time. They also enjoy a sympathetic media that lobbies for their lenient treatment.

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... it seems as though as a society we do not attribute kind and tender emotions to men to the same degree that we do women. We also do not believe as a society that men suffer the same emotional attachment to loved ones. We don't think men are naturally capable of empathy either.

It seems that all of these beliefs about men lead to harsher treatment of men in the media and in the courts. We don't think it bothers them. We think they need punishment and that treatment, support and rehabilitation are utterly useless endeavors where men are concerned.

So our reaction if a father accidentally does something monumentally stupid that results in the death of his child our gut reaction is to punish him to make sure he learns his lesson and does not do it again.

men must endure suffering to be strong. Women must be spared suffering to be strong.

The definition of weakness in males is the definition of strength in females.

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Your last sentence..see Warren Farrell's "Women Can't Hear What Men Don't say, where he essentially makes the same point!


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