Woman jailed for making false rape accusations

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman was today branded "wicked" and a "skilful actress" as she was jailed for one year for making false rape allegations against her former husband.

Jury Comment:

"You framed an innocent man, you accused him of the most serious offence to be brought against a man in the criminal calendar. The case against your husband was rot and the spotlight was turned against you."'

Also see this article on the story.

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I hope the political momentum gained from this will help get effective false accusation laws on the books.

A crummy year in jail is nothing compared to the hell the accused man went through! One good thing is that in Britain the names of men charged with rape are no longer publicized.

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That is a good thing! With a minimum of 1 in 4 rape claims being made turning out to be false it is important to no publish any names until the evidence has been tested at trial. It's not worth destroying the innocent accused lives to inflict a tiny bit more suffering on the guilty. Once convicted of rape the man faces the rest of his life of punishment in one form or another so the pre-trial publicity doesn't really make a difference in the long run.

I applaud Britain in their courage to keep all the names private in sexual assault cases before trial.

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Men accused of rape in the UK ARE named.

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If this is the case then I stand corrected.
I thought the government had enacted some kind of legislation that forbid naming the accused rapist in the media. Too bad if it is not so.

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Women are never named in the media in the UK, unless its a particularly heinous crime, with a female victim (other than the perpetrator, because the female perpetrator is also a victim by virtue of being a member of the fairer sex).

Women are not named even when they rapists.

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