New Florida Law Finally Gives Justice to Cuckolded Men

Story here. Excerpt:

'A new state law allows men a way out of child-support payments when they can prove that they are not the child's biological father.

Last year, 30 percent of the 15,495 men targeted as possible fathers in paternity proceedings turned out not to be.'

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He gets released from his child support obligation, but still has no way to get his money back... plus interest and penalties.

When a woman goes to court late after however many years for child support, the guy can be hit with up to 18 years of back child support.

We're still nowhere near justice.

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Yes, I agree... the headline I wrote was a little too enthusiastic. "Some justice" would be a more appropriate phrase.

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Yes, go fight and prove he is not the father? And if he does not have the money for court and lawyer fees because he is paying child support for a kid that is not his? And will he be compensated?

One state down, 49 to go...

Evil White Male Oppressor
"I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"

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