Kraft Foods slams men in order to sell their products

Not a new topic to MRAs but an essential one. Kraft foods has been bold enough to place an ad on their website denigrating men in order to sell their products, namely, their new line of A.1. steak marinades. The clever little ad reads, "A marinade so unforgettable, even a guy won't forget it."

What are they suggesting, that all men are so stupid that they can't remember which products they have used in the past? Or that women are just so naturally superior to men that they won't have to worry about forgetting which products they use? In either case, it's bad and we should not just ignore it as "humor"-based advertising. We did that in the past and look where it got us. Every time this comes up we have to hit them back hard. That's only way this will ever stop.

Ad here.

Contact form here.

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I use A-1 all the time, but not anymore. I submitted my e-mail, lets see if their customers opinions matter. I'm also going to write a lengthy letter to the address provided on their website. I submitted the ad. to the ACLU and Glenn Sacks. The ACLU won't do a damn thing, but Sacks might.


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"Regarding your new line of A1 steak marinades:
I enjoyed the humor of your recent ad, that says that your new sauces are "so unforgettable, even a man won't forget". In fact, now I laugh so hard everytime I think of A1 sauces, I keep buying Heinz 57 instead by accident! Oh well, might as well switch!!"

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I saw your ad on A-1 steak sauce ... "A marinade so unforgettable even a guy won't forget it."

That's real funny. So in your next ad, in the name of diversity, please make an equally disparaging remark against women, minorities, or gays. I'm sure that would be a big hit too.

Or don't you have a sense of humor?

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My note to them said those responsible for the ad in terms of concept and approval, ie, anyone who made it happen and anyone who could have stopped it from happening, should be sacked immediately.

Doubt they'll do it, but hopefully, Kraft has learned its lesson.

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While it's an inexpensive form of amusement for MRAs to send e-mails to companies and politicians, it is just that --- comic relief.

The men's rights agenda is not even on the ummm... national "radar" screen.

We've got a war to win!

Women are still being discriminated against!

There's a backlash against the "boy crisis" in education to be promoted!

Women, women, women, women, women....

That's all I needed to say.

I'll be "polite and respectful" now.

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I got an instant reply form e-mail, when I commented on that. A bottle of a competing marinde (maybe Emeril's) says no one gets a reply,let alone an apology or defense.
FWIW, I never got a reply from Expedia about their misandric commercials, but I no longer see them.

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I find the recent campaign for A1- "Marinades so unforgettable even a man won't forget it" to be misandrist and misguided.

In my family, as the man, I am the one who makes barbecue related purchases. I am not sure what is to be gained by insulting my intelligence with the ad.

Moreover, this is symptomatic of a general sense of male-bashing that I find intolerable.

Because of this I, and others like me, are participating in an organized boycott of all Kraft products until the ad is pulled and a public apology is issued.

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Good going garypc. Are you new to the board? Your moniker is interesting, especially the last two letters:)
I would like to join your organized boycott. Can you provide a link or some such, to a form I can sign? Thanks!

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A very good observation that MEN are usually the marketing niche that make barbecue related purchases like Kraft's. I wonder why their MBA 6 figure salaried marketing gurus didn't notice that? For all their supposed expertise at promoting products they seemed to have come up with the worst way possible to sell their sauces! Way to go guys! Or maybe that should be gals?

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While it's an inexpensive form of amusement for MRAs to send e-mails to companies and politicians, it is just that --- comic relief.

The men's rights agenda is not even on the ummm... national "radar" screen.

I'm certainly up for some stronger activism. March on Washington? Picket the New York Times? Anything massive enough to get national attention would be good. Over a million men on the National Mall would be good, without a misguided pro-marriage/pro-women agenda of course.

I think the first step would be in creating an organisation that is capable of and willing to ORGANIZE such an effort.

Or we can all hunker down for the coming storm... Costco has a sale on "survival kits". It looks like dehydrated food for at least 80 days. I hope it is a lot tastier than all that spam I bought for Y2K... :-)

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Here's the reply I got from Kraft:

Thank you for visiting

I wanted to thank you for sharing your concerns with us about our advertising. Your comments are important to us, we do take them seriously and I want to assure you that I will share them with our advertising staff. That said, I can't promise that you won't see this ad again.

We consider our advertising the company's voice to the public. While we try to provide advertising that appeals to the majority of our audiences, it's hard to create advertising that fits everyone's taste.

Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts.

Kim McMiller
Associate Director, Consumer Relations

In other words, screw you-we're keeping that ad.

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Hi klp, again, we welcome all new members. It seems we have acquired quite a few new members lately! It also seems funny that part of the response you got from Kraft, contained the sentence, "That said, I can't promise that you won't see this ad again". It sounds a little unprofessional; also, I myself did not get the same response. It is interesting that you seem to have gotten an indivial response instead of an automated reply as have the rest of us. Can you provide me with the text of your letter, so that I may resend it to Kraft under my name, and see if I also get an individualized reply? Thanks;)


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