Hawking Could Be New Voice For Male Victims Of Spousal Abuse

The world-reknowned British astro-physicist Professor Stephen Hawking is getting a divorce from his present wife of 11 years.

Hawking has been totally paralyzed with motor neuron dysfunction, commonly-known as Lou Gehring's Disease, for years. His former nurses have publicly stated he was physically and mentally abused by his soon to be ex. However, it seems like Professor Hawking like too many male victims of DV and spousal abuse is in denial. He claims he was never physically assaulted by his wife. But the evidence seems to indicate otherwise. Hawking is very famous about his theories about the creation of the universe and time but his most important contribution could be in bringing the hidden crime of men being abused by their spouses to the public's attention. Let's hope he does the right thing.

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It's too bad a man has to be in a wheel chair before he can qualify as a voice of men battered by domestic violence. Primary aggressor laws are based on such biased reasoning. I would just as soon have had that big football lineman up in Washington state, who was bloodied by his 5 foot tall wife, as a poster boy, except he was too "manly" to want to prosecute as I recall. Given that a lot of married women "opt out" of their jobs for easier living, it's understandable why a guy would not want to have his wife prosecuted. Either way he pays and pays. Domestic violence law is one of the biggest scams against men in the history of the world.

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Well put. I couldn't agree more with you on that.

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This case supports my theory that women become more physically abusive towards their partners when the opportunity presents itself. On average, the male in a (heterosexual) relationship is physically stronger keeping the female at bay. Knowing this, she resorts to emotional and mental abuse for which there are little or no legal consequences. But should the male raise one hand after reaching the end of his ropes from years of mind games, it’s off to jail for him. In this case, the bimbo has had the physical advantage giving her an open season pass to slap him around physically. Of course, he denies it all; typical male reaction. Men are usually too embarrassed to report the abuse or simply want to avoid being chastised or becoming a laughing stock at the hands of a chivalrous society. This reminds me of a local case where the whack-job bimbo doused some poor wheelchair ridden bastard with gas and set him on fire all because he refused to give her money. She stood outside the home, her son by her side, and watched as the guy was consumed by fire. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself”

Article Here


On January 27, 2006, Niobie Ewing was sentenced to serve 60 years in prison after pleading no contest to second-degree murder. In 2004, after drinking and arguing with her boyfriend Tom Bourbeau, Ewing splashed gasoline on Bourbeau and the stairs leading out of the room he was in, and then ignited the accelerant. She walked down the street and called a neighbor to report the fire. It was Bourbeau’s 56th birthday. Because he suffered from degenerative bone disease, deterioration of the spine, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease and obesity, he could not make it out of the bedroom and died in the blaze. This case was handled by ADA Richard Payne.

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Here is the e-mail address for Professor Hawking if anyone would like to contact him about the allegations of abuse.

I sent him an e-mail and will post the reply if any, when it arrives.

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