N.Y. newspaper ad targets 'deadbeat dads'

Another one-sided story on those darned "Dead Beat Dads", and a way to shame them. Excerpt:

'Westchester County, just north of New York City, bought a quarter-page ad in Tuesday's New York Post aimed at shaming four major child support debtors into compliance — or at least finding out where they're hiding.

"Do you know where these deadbeat dads are? Their children don't," the ad said.'

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Didn't that used to be against the law? It should apply..even if the person being 'defamed' is not a politician, movie star or whatever.

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It would be a good move on the part of a men's rights group in the New York area to take out a counter ad in the same paper stating why child support orders are wrong and discriminatory.

Child support is really a tax free revenue stream for the custodial ADULT parent (usually the mother) guaranteed by the state.

The state's only valid interest concerning the level of economic support children should receive after the financial crisis caused by divorce is the bare minimum to sustain them is met. Anything above that should be agreed upon by the separating parents. It is not socially healthy for the state to micro-manage peoples economic lives after divorce. The state doesn't do it while the marriage is intact, it should not after divorce.

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