USAToday Runs Gandy's Latest Propaganda

Here it is. Exceprt:

'Every few years, a report that women are gaining ground prompts panicky articles proclaiming that "men are falling behind!"

Don't get me wrong: I believe in equality for all. I'm concerned about women's status and I'm concerned about the race, ethnicity and income divisions revealed in the Department of Education survey.'

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Yes indeed, dismiss the concerns of the group they so aggressively seek to marginalize and subjugate. Good old-fashioned feminazism. Of course her essay is filled with the usual claptrap and tired old red herrings.

This essay it seems was run on 9/22/06. Even so, perhaps USA Today editors need to hear from a few folks who have something to say to refute Ms. Gandy's dismissals. USAToday takes emails via a form found here.

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EVERYONE must choose between work and family. There is no other way. Some one needs to work. Some one needs to care for small children.

Plus, men are overwhelmingly dominant in group that makes up societies poorest members. Women are very rarely impoverished to the point of being homeless. Women make up the majority of welfare recipiants (in Canada this means better medical coverage then some one making 80000 a year gets), but welfare is not the bottom of the poverty ladder.

If Gandy genuinely wants to address the issues of work/life balance she must accept first that it is a human struggle and not a woman's struggle.

Another thing she must drop is the fantacy that anyone can have it all. the higher up you get in the corporate world the greater the sacrafices you must make. Men have NEVER "had it all" and neither have women. This will never change as it is impossible to have the best job, best social life, best family life with the best children, etc. Something has to give, life it about choices. No one can choose door A, door B and door C all at the same time.

Kim Gandy needs to stop living in her little girl fairy princess land and wake up to reality. She's only hurting the people her organization claims to be helping (along with destroying the young generation of men).

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Wow! Kimmy-Girl has revealed even more terrifying aspects of her paranoid/ conspiracy-theory personality disorder!

This woman could interpret sunshine on Father’s Day as an evil male patriarchal conspiracy!

She predicts that now that women represent 58% of college enrollments, the Evil Patriarchy will find a way to devalue education – presumably to "keep the girls down."

Employers might conclude that employees who work more are more valuable! How crazy and evil! (Employers might also assess whether an employee who wants to drop out for 20 years to make babies is a good investment….)

Then we get the tired old debunked stat claiming that "women do more than 80% of unpaid family work." Warren Farrell slam-dunked the rebuttal to this feminist lie in his latest book. You only get to the 80% imbalance by ignoring most of the domestic household work that men do – like changing the oil in the minivan, cleaning out the gutters, repairing the sump pump, building the new deck, etc. etc.

Then more crap about the "class ceiling" that ignores the choices women make to trade off career climbing for fertilizing their eggs.

Finally we get Ms. Gandy’s punchline – "But no matter how smart you are, it's tough to win when the rules keep changing and you have to choose between work and family."

Note that she does not say "it’s tough to have gender equality..." - oh no.

Ms. Gandy states "it’s tough to WIN..."

And that’s because she and her radical feminist comrades do not now, and in fact never have, cared about "equality."

In fact, any admission that women have largely achieved equality – even dominance in many social spheres – would be the end of N.O.W.’s victim industry racket.

Kim Gandy is the feminist equivalent of a freak show carnival barker.

Only without the charisma, intelligence, and personal integrity.

Kim & Co. are the Evil Patriarchy's biggest cheerleaders, because without that myth, the suckers would not come into the freak show tent.

No wonder only 700 hairy-lipped menopausal wackos attended N.O.W.'s recent 40th Anniversary Celebration!

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