Status of Women Canada Funding Slashed

OTTAWA — The federal Conservative government says it will no longer fund women's groups that do advocacy, lobbying or general research, leaving some to wonder what's left.

The drastic change to the mandate and operation of Status of Women Canada also drops the word "equality" when listing the agency's goals.

Story here.

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Whoo Hoo! Dropping the false pretence of "equality." Gawd, you've gotta love it. :)

From REAL Women Canada: "If a group can't support itself and its lobbying activities across the country, then it just isn't a grassroots organization and shouldn't be funded by the taxpayer," said vice-president Gwendolyn Landolt.

"You have fundraisers and you earn money, you stand on your own two feet, you don't look for government handouts"

Today is a good day.


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This happened in Canada?

This might be an example of going so far down that the only possible alternative direction is going up.

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It will take a long time to weed out all the poison that has been infected into nearly every instatution and agancy in Canada from the reign of terror that Status of Women enjoyed for far to long, but at least this is the first step towards a better tomorrow for all men and boys in Canada.

I can't wait to see all of the divorce factories that got their funding from SOW close up shop!

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That's good news, thumbs up.

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This is a day to celebrate. The first of many such victories I hope. It is mainly taxpayers' money which keeps the wheels of the Feminazi war-machine turning. It's time all their finding was removed. Let them raise their own funds and see how many people actually support their agenda.

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Let's see woMENs stuDIEs stand on its own two feet, if it can.

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Maybe America will follow suit. That's a great place to start balancing the budget.

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"The new terms and conditions are consistent with our commitment to accountability and value for money," Oda said. "Canadian women know the value of a dollar. They know what good use of hard-earned money means."

And that's what it all really comes down to; a change in funding policies to eliminate waste. I hope the U.S. follows Canada's lead. We have our share of pork programs funded by hard-earned taxpayer's money; the least of which isn't throwing money at drummed-up femnag dramas! I don't mind the government spending money to study the flow rate of ketchup or the mating habits of bumble bees nearly as much as I mind them funding the resolution of imaginary women's issues that lack empirical evidence and have no reasonable goals or outcomes. If the bimbos want money to further their bullshit agendas, they can get it the old fashioned way; earn it!

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Never thought it would happen, Thank you Harper, thank you REAL women canada! Thanks to all the mra's that wrote letters.

What a great day.

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How come if feminism has so effectively advanced women's interests in Canada, there are not hundreds of thousands of ordinary Canadian women marching over these catastrophic budget cuts?


Because feminism is O-V-E-R.

The Canadians are showing the way forward.


They have no private "base," no alternative funding from their imagined millions of women supporters.

In the U.S., this means only one thing.

Defeat VAWA 2010.

Sadly, our Congresswuppies already gave a few billions away to suckle feminism for another half-decade.

Pull the freakin' plug on the money supply!

Let feminism demonstrate its power and influence absent the Nanny State dole.

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I'm not this is over yet. I've heard a few groups screech about oppression and what have you. I think I'll wait until the dust settles to get excited. In the meantime, I am going to write to my MP (a prominant conservative in the current adminstration) and tell him that I support the cut to funding, and I am going to tell him WHY.

The fact that the conservative government had the guts to make these cuts is very encouraging, but I wish the motive was at least more clearly because they felt these women's programs were unjust.

If any of you guys out there are in an NDP riding, I think it is especially important to write to your MPs to show support for this. THEY really need a wake up call.

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