Mom Accused Of Fleeing State With Teenage Lover Arrested

Story here.

Fortunately this man has gained custody of his two children.

"Nashua, N.H. -- The Canterbury woman accused of taking her 16-year-old lover and 8-year-old son to Florida is back in jail on charges of stalking him.

Jennifer Malone was arrested in July after a 10-day nationwide hunt to track her down.

Malone was out on $50,000 bail awaiting trial. She was told to stay away from the 16-year-old."

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“Malone was out on $50,000 bail awaiting trial. She was told to stay away from the 16-year-old. Saturday night Nashua police arrested her after she allegedly contacted the boy, and set up a meeting.”

Typical behavior of a self-centered bimbo; some whack jobs refuse to take NO for an answer! Women, like her, grow accustomed to getting their own way in life typically through manipulation. Then, when they get into a situation that demands they conform to rules/laws, they just can’t accept it. They believe they are above the law! I hope they throw the book at her; it might be her wake-up call.

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I wonder if her husband posted the bond?

If he did it just cost him $50K since she skipped out.

One very expensive trip to Florida.

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