More Media 2x-Standards in Combat-Deaths Reporting
Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2006-10-02 20:27
A CNN video report covers women in combat in Iraq (MediaPlayer or similar required). They talk about it like it is something that is bad and should be stopped, without so much as mentioning the much larger number of men killed and wounded thus far in the Middle East. So much for equality in both status and commensuarate risks.
Getting killed or wounded/maimed in combat is a terribly tragic thing. That's what you sign up for though when you volunteer to serve in the armed forces, and it is no more or less tragic however when it happens to men as opposed to women. So why do MSM outfits like CNN act like it is? Answer: gross sexism and arcane chivalry.
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Chivalry is understandable when men do it, since its probably biologically and socially drilled into men to die for a woman, any woman. But what gets me is when women practice it, and very blatantly at that.
When a woman is preaching chivalry and asking men to die so women don't have to, she is just advocating a female supremacist point of view and should be told that much, in no uncertain terms. Its time for a backlash against these self-important bitches.
American military female deaths and injuries in Iraq
In these pieces about American military women in Iraq who have been killed or who have suffered debilitating injuries, they seldon mention that female deaths make up only about 2 and a half percent of the total -- that it is men who suffer the great majority of death and serious injury. Also that it is men, not women, who are *expected* to make the supreme sacrifice. In short, women's lives are considered more precious than men's, with the result that when a woman is killed, it's considered a greater tragedy than when a man is killed. Sexism pure and simple.
U.S. Command Is Familiar with Israel's Gender Experiment
What I just don't understand is why the best study of a co-ed armed forces has been totally ignored by the U.S. military command.
The Israelis tried integrating their combat forces along gender-neutral lines.
They abandoned it when their battle effectiveness declined dramatically.
Male soldiers were incapacitated trying to protect vulnerable female comrades, and put themselves at unnecessary risk to play out the ancient chivalrous codes.
Israel, our ally and arguably the dominant lobbyist in D.C. to promote our permanent war on terror, no longer sends their women into combat.
What do the Israeli generals know that ours apparently do not?