Husband Charged in Wife's Minivan Suicide

Story here.

"A 34-year-old architect was charged Friday with helping his wife commit suicide by stepping aside as she drove the family minivan down a 300-foot cliff with their two daughters inside."

Thats right, this man faces severe criminal charges because his wife decided to drive off a cliff. "He "afforded her an opportunity for her to carry out her intentions," police said in a statement."

Apparently he tried to grab the bumper, but was unable to stop the minivan. I guess they expected this man to use his strength and prevent a 3500-lb. SUV from falling down a cliff. He is also charged with endangering the welfare of a child. The woman had his two daughters (3 and 5) in the minivan during her suicide attempt.

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... and of not going over the edge with his family. It's all his fault for not wanting to die with them. Yeah, that's it. So instead of being without a mother his kids would have been better off without both parents-- especially given the surviving parent was the father. Now if it had been the father behind the wheel and the mother outside the van, that would have been all right. Except in that had he also taken their kids with him, he would be 10x as evil. As it is here, the mother didn't do anything wrong by taking the kids with her. We should feel sorry for her. It was all her husband's fault.

Uh-huh. Now I get it.

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This is really quite typical.

Remember the mass murder committed by Andrea Yates in Texas? She was eventually aquitted of killing her 5 children after being declared not guilty by reason of insanity. Her long suffering husband Randy Yates was roundly condemned because HE wasn't charged along with his nutjob wife for the murders of their children. So much for not blaming the victim, especially when one of the victims is a man.

And of course in this case as in too many others if the roles were reversed the wife would not be charged with anything. She would be getting grief counseling and would not be in jail! That is because society still expects and demands more from men than it does women. Women are still viewed as oversized children with diminished responsibility.

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Seems like this was covered some time ago on this website.

The date on your article is June 16th... 3 1/2 months ago.

Let's see... let's see... I found it!

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Are we really supposed to believe that it is a mans fault every time a woman kills herself?

I just do not see how he did anything wrong. All of the earlier coverage of this incident that I have seen indicated that the wife did not give any indication that she was about to kill herself at that time and that the earlier suicide attemtps happend quite awhile before this successfull attempt. In other words he did not really have any reason to believe that she was about to do what she did.

If he was guilty of promoting and encouraging her to kill herself why then did he make the absolutely futile effort of grabbing ahold of the bumper?

the charges against this man are bullshit at its best folks.

I completely agree with the first to respondants that if the roles were reversed she would be the hero and he would be the monster. She'd be on Operah by no with multi-million dollar book and movie deals. Instead, these kids may grow up in foster care because they have lost one parent and now might lose both. Bullshit, pure and simple! This no matter what blame the man crap has got to stop. It's got to stop right now!

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Yep, indeed it was. Well guess I should have archive-searched first. I'd drop it if there hadn't been comments from others posted already. Thanks for pointing out the repeat, though.

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Interseting post:

"Seems like this was covered some time ago on this website.

The date on your article is June 16th... 3 1/2 months ago.

Let's see... let's see... I found it!"

I have an idea. Before I submitt any articles to admin. I'll consult you first.


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This was just a free sample.

After this, my rate will be $25 per brain-archive search.

A bargain!

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