More from the NY Times on Colleges and Women

An otherwise unremarkable review of an otherwise unremarkable book opens with a scathing taunt of the male sex in this review from the NY Times Book section. A wonderful little "nya nya nya" from another privileged recent college co-ed graduate whose father probably paid her way through whatever school she went to.

You know, I think the Times (as well as MSN for that matter) should just dispense with any pretense and set up their own "Nya nya nya we're made of sugar and spice and you nasty boys SUCK" subsite and put all their misandrist claptrap in one place rather than sneak it in via both sideways commentary and overt misstatements, lies, and distortions throughout their respective publications. That way the rest of us could just skip it entirely and go look for something decent to read.

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On gender topics, with rare exceptions, the NY Times is a mouthpiece for the feminist perspective. I don't respect that paper's ideology or consider the editors to be some kind of wise authority or progressive voice on gender matters (or other major subjects). I resent their influence but see them as basically a kind of political organization. The feminist women in the US, like the author of this reviewed book, are probably the most pampered and privileged people on earth. Feminists will always screech about female oppression (historical and contemporary) as if whatever hardships women have experienced should always be taken more seriously than male hardship and sacrifice. The idea being, I guess, that women deserve whatever entitlements and preferential treatment they demand.

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"Back in the day, some feared higher education would turn girls into tiresome harpies with slim marriage prospects."

Looks like it must have been one of Nostradamus's dead-on predictions.

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Is there any connection other than name similarity between the L.A. Times and the N.Y. Times. Are they owned by the same company? I don't see as much gender feminist propaganda in the L.A. Times although I've seen some stuff.

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"Pity the poor college male. Today women make up 58 percent of all undergraduates. Half of all medical students are women, and law schools are on the verge of tipping. Title IX, which mandated sex equity in college sports, has put wrestling and men’s gymnastics on the ropes. Even football has come under siege at some elite colleges, thanks to administrators fed up with admitting substandard academic performers "

1. I just don't understand how such a bigoted article is excepted in a major publication.

2. Can you imagine her making the same comments regarding a black male?

3. I don"t believe any male (college student included) wants pity. We don't need it.

4. This woman seems to gain satisfaction that title IX is damaging male athletics. (ie: wrestling)

5. If she believes title IX will have a negative effect on divsion one college football....she's more ignorant than I thought.

6. What is her motivation when writing such an article?

I really believe these women display bigotry because they are insecure about their own gender.

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"I really believe these women display bigotry because they are insecure about their own gender."

So then, would she possibly be more secure as a man??? Does she have penis envy, or is she just experiencing female insecurity?

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I don't think that she thinks she would be more secure as a man. She, like most victim-feminists, sees women as historically oppressed, and takes delight in watching the erosion of traditional male dominance in areas like academia. She also dislikes men who would challenge conditions that give women preferential treatment.

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"So then, would she possibly be more secure as a man??? Does she have penis envy, or is she just experiencing female insecurity?"

maybe these feminists are intimidated by male power?

penis envy?...never believed freud's theory.

the bigotry associated with misandry could be based on sterotypes, ignorance, hate, or simply a lack of understanding regarding male behaviuor?

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With half of all medical students today being female, what we can expect is a permanent crisis in health care just like what the U.K. is presently experiencing.

(They are ten years ahead of the U.S. in the feminization of med schools.)

Problem # 1 is, all the Dr. Girlies get their med degrees and practice for a few years.

Then they capture a surgeon to marry.

Then they opt out of the med field for twenty years to breed and raise their spawn.

Then when they get to the "empty nest" segment in their lives, they want to be practicing doctors again.

Problem # 2 is -- their medical skills are two decades out of date.

So, they can't get back into the lucrative career paths they abandoned to go home and breed, by their own choices.

Bottom line -- society is spending billions of dollars to educate female doctors who are obsolete upon conferral of their degrees.

If all the nation's truck drivers decided they wanted to spend 20 years being Mr. Mom, you would not have milk tomorrow.

That's the Nanny State's reality.

Thank gawd only 2% of female medical students go into surgery as their speciality.

How would you like to be on the operating table and have Dr. Fem-Mom say -- "Hi! You're my first operation after spending 23 years raising my kids!"

Breathe deeply now.....

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