Article on False Rape Allegation on College Campuses

This article by Eugene J. Kanin, Ph.D. gives an excellent overview of false rape accusations. As a college student they try and convince us (most are convinced) that 1 in 4 women will be victims of a sexual crime by graduation.

Let's do some math: Syracuse University has approx. 18,000 students. 55 percent are female (almost 10,000 women). The 1 in 4 theory suggests 2500 women will be a victim of sexual assault by graduation. Are you kidding me? 2500! Completely ABSURD.

"These false allegations appear to serve three major functions for the complainants: providing an alibi, seeking revenge, and obtaining sympathy and attention."

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The report states that the highest rate of false rape charges -- 50% -- occur on our nation's university and college campuses.

This might seem odd on first blush, because isn't that where our most intelligent and savvy young women congregate? This year, 58% of all university students are females.

So, why would an especially intelligent young woman, one of the elite really, be the primary instigator of false rape charges?

Well, it might be because as a mandatory part of almost every college/university student orientation, young women are drilled by feminist "advisers" and "counselors" about the rules of gender warfare at Fem-U.

Then there's the required "multi-cultural diversity" courses that are dominated by radical feminist women's studies professors.

Add to this ideological mix the reality of the campus "hook-up" culture.

Nobody dates anymore, they just "hook up" for casual, meaningless sex.

And, the girls endorse and promote this degradation, because "we're liberated and we can be as raunchy as the boyz!"

It's a mess.

A tragi-comic opera.

College used to be where an intelligent girl went to find an intelligent husband.

Now it's a porno....

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I notice that the data in this study is 20-30 years old, i.e. before the explosion in allegations of date rape. If false allegations, as defined in the study, have remained at a similar level and you now add in all the "he said, she said" cases which are almost impossible to prove, is it any wonder that the conviction rate is so low?

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im not sure the data is 20 or 30 years old. i dont believe the term date rape existed back than. (especially 30 years ago.. 1976) if it did, it certainly did not gain national attention. another article mentions sexual harasment. (such laws were implimented mostly during the 90's) than again i'm 23, so i could be wrong. its possible i missed information suggesting the age of the statistics. if it is that old, i probably wouldn't have submitted the article.


"We followed and investigated all false rape allegations from 1978 to 1987"

i read the article again, and sure enough, it is old.

forget anything written above "edit>>>" (lol)


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have anything better to do than spam, Bert? You got your point across the first time. All you're doing is making clutter for other users while looking like even more of an ass.

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Is to let him trash, and vent, and whine, and post and flood the site and post and flood the site and post and flood the site and post and flood the site and post and flood the site and post and flood the site and post and flood the site and post and flood the site and post and flood the site and post and flood the site....

and then...



It would be cruel.

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