Trial opens for Fla. teen accused of enlisting her boyfriend to kill her father

If nothing else, one should keep in mind when reading this: never judge a book by its cover. Excerpt:

“What is in dispute at a trial this week in Seminole County Circuit Court is the role the victim's own daughter played in the brutal slaying. Authorities allege that 16-year-old Courtney Schulhoff was the cold, calculating mastermind of the murder, giving her older lover the bat, pointing him toward the bedroom where her father slept and opening a celebratory beer afterward.

While she is not accused of physically participating in the assault that left her father, Steve, 48, dead, she faces the same charge as Morin: first-degree murder. A conviction means a mandatory life sentence. Morin will be tried separately next month.”

But when this “angel-faced child” takes the stand and claims her father was abusing her, is there any doubt she will walk? Her boyfriend is in jail for the murder, her father is dead, and I predict she will walk away being viewed as the victim. She‘ll probably make money off of it in some way, too. Just another day at the shop for “the justice system”.

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I don’t know who is worse; the pissant conniver Courtme, oops I mean Courtney, or the pathetic bat wielding fool Moron, oops, I mean Morin. Moron should be prosecuted for letting his small head do all his thinking for him in addition to being a murderer. The little tramp should be held even more culpable for the murder and tried as an adult. Neither one of them should be allowed to walk free again!

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Courtney Schulhoff should be sentenced to go live with Bert for a week!

That besides the point, this sad case shows the power that women have over men by using false accusations. Even a Fordham University law school graduate is accused of murder of a man because his wife told him his young daughter said the man "did something" to her. Upon hearing this he took a knife and broke into his home and stabbed him to death in his bed. I guess he was sleeping in class the day they went over the concept of innocent until proven guilty.

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That girl looks like she's 8 years old! I just can't see a jury put her away if she plays the victim card and lets loose hte waterworks in court (which she will). Even in that mug shot she looke like nothing more then an innocent child. I do not think she has any reason to fear a murder conviction.

I believe that if the playing field were truly equal then a murder charge would be appropriate under the circumstances for this young woman. But I believe that under the current system that exists that they would have had a better shot of getting her if they would have only charged her with conspiracy to commit murder.

I think they run the risk given this young woman's age and her delicate appearence that the murder charge alone will be used to let her walk free. her lawyer will merely paint the picture that she was abused boy the father, the boyfriend, and even the police and courts who charged her with murder.

It is just to hard for people not to protect a female in any way they can.

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The jury has CONVICTED her of 1st degree murder. Now if the state can make it stick and not get overturned on appeal.

Her maggot boyfriend who actually did the killing will go on trial next month on the same charge. He will go down too!

Finally, justice for a single father. Even though it has destroyed 3 lives.

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Wow, I am shocked, but at the same time glad that if she actually is the mastermind (let's face it, we'll never know the whole or even real story of what happened from court records) then she got the verdict she deserves.

Now, are they going to sentance her as a youth or an adult?

As for her boyfriend, he is truly an idiot it would seem, and perhaps a deminished capacity defence combined with a coersion defence would help to reduce his conviction to second degree or manslaughter. I know I'll get flack for this but if he really was merely a pawn in her plan then I feel tha the does not pose the same level of threat to society as a whole as she does. I believe that he may be more able to live a productive life then her so I think that a life sentance for him (again, if the circumstances are to be believed) would be to long. He needs to pay his debt and a lenghty sentance is in order for his crime, but he seems to be misgiuded more then calculating and cold blooded and if he is, then he can be guided back and so he should be released some day.

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Check it out here. It is there as of this posting.

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UPDATE: SHE admits she was the one who actually committed the murder not her geeky boyfriend! Very weird girl.

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She's a vicious cold blooded killer, but heck, she at least owns up to it and admits it. I am sure that she was the one who told her lawyers not to put on a defence. If she didn't the lawyers would be liable for their poor representation.

I am glad that she accepts responsability and the consiquenses that come along with it. Her admissions will save the tax payers in her State lots of money on appeals because she pretty much screwed herself out of them.

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