NHL star Tie Domi is being taken to the cleaners by estranged wife

He offered her a settlement of more money then most people make in a lifetime, but she wants it all and it looks like she's going to get it. Check out the details of the 'temporary' agreement that has been reached here.

The really sad part is that he might end up being taken to the cleaners again if the rumours are true that he is currently in a relationship with turncoat (former conservative, now liberal) MP Belinda Stronach. She has had plenty of her share of controversy. A quick Google of her name reveals plenty for those interested.

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Why do these men keep marrying and breeding with these blood sucking gold diggers? Do they just not read the papers about these high profile celebrity divorces where the ex wifie poo gets all the gold and the ex hubby gets the shaft? Why do they keep making the same damn mistake again & again and don't seem to have a clue?

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Belinda is in line to inherit staggering sums from her father, Magna International founder Frank Stronach.

Ahh, the Belinda and Domi affair. Like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are called "Brangelina," Belinda and Domi are being referred to (in non-mainstream sources) as "Blomi." :D

Belinda's a slut, and his wife's a heartless grasping gold-digger. I feel sorry for Tie.


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