Kidnapping by Casearian section - latest excuse: maternal instinct run amok

Full story here.

"It's a crime so monstrous as to surpass comprehension. Yet its passion takes root in some of the most tender ground of human experience: pregnancy and motherhood.

What drives a handful of women to slice open the bellies of others to steal their newborns?

Researchers have uncovered hints. "You can describe it as sort of the maternal instinct run amok," said psychiatrist Dr. Phillip Resnick, who had written about this kind of crime"

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She was no murderer. She was just following an internal natural instinct to become a mom.
It was an act of god.
Ergo: It ain't her fault!

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My own mothering instincts never included the desire to maim and kill another human being and rip the baby from her womb. That was the best "answer" they could come up with? Looks like yet another insanity plea on its way.

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