Update: Scalding Case Mother May Walk

A mother who cannot be named for legal reasons has denied pouring boiling water over her five-year-old son 11 years ago.

The prosecution claimed she had scalded her son to stop him constantly asking questions about his father, and afterwards had told him: "You say I did this and I will kill myself."

The boy said in evidence: "I was crying on the sofa because of what she'd said about my dad.

"She was in the kitchen and she flipped the kettle on three or four times.

"She then called me into the kitchen and said 'Sorry kid, but I've got to do this.'

"She then tipped the contents of the kettle over me."

The incident only came to light when the boy told his father nine years later he had not pulled the kettle on himself, the jury was told.

The jury has now been discharged, so is she going to walk? Probably...

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