Woman Brutally Murders Pregnant Friend, Children

Story here.

People seem astounded such a thing happened. But why should they be, the press covers stories of parents (of both sexes) murdering friends and children almost daily. The surprise is that they are surprised. But then again, "everyone knows women, especially mothers, would *never* do such a thing...". Um, yeah, that's right, only men/fathers do such horrific things. Excerpt:

'Hall and the baby were taken to a hospital, where she refused to let doctors examine her and gave conflicting accounts of why she went into labor, alternately saying she had consensual sex and was raped, Hart says.

The baby girl showed no signs of trauma and an autopsy the next day failed to pinpoint a cause of death.

"We didn't even figure it was a homicide," Hart said.'

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I wonder if this woman will be treated with the same level of hatred and disdain that Scott Peterson recieved. I mean, after all what this crazy woman did is even more sadistic. She cut the baby out while the woman was still alive and let her bleed to death. The woman who was supposedly her best friend. Plus she drowned the woman's other two children.

Think they'd ever give a black woman the death penalty in the USA? If Peterson is the example this woman certainly deserves it. Personally, I am opposed to the death penalty but I certainly would like this woman locked up for life with no chance of parole.

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Scott Peterson has always and still does claim that someone else killed his wife who was by some accounts an insufferable domineering bitch.

That not withstanding, his conviction of murdering an unborn fetus is in my opinion is just an example of bad justice men particularly are subjected to. Similar fetuses are killed everyday in abortion clinics and is lauded as a good thing by the majority of the public. You really can't have it both ways.

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Scott would have walked. If the rules of law were aplied the way they should have been there was not enough evidence to convict him. But... we all know what happened there as you simple could not turn on a television while it was going on and not hear about it.

But, it will be interesting to see if this woman who cut the fetus out while the woman was still alive (and then let her bleed to death) aswell as brutally killing the womans other two children will recieve the same level of hatred by the media. Will she be treated like the monster she is? Or will her vagina make us believe she is not a serial killer?

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