"Uppity Men", by Carey Roberts

Read it here.

'Hard-working men whose liberated wives had come to look askance at anything that might remotely be called housework. And it resonated with the average Joes who put in long hours on the factory line, only to come home and learn that he was a member of the male oppressor class.'

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I like Carey Robert's essays and perspectives.

But if he believes that a few mass media articles giving passing attention to a few heroic and desperate fathers amounts to the "shot heard 'round the world" (that started the American Revolution)---

well, I don't have his degree of optimism.

Until the blurbs in the major mass media translate into legislative initiatives to de-fund and deconstruct Feminism, Inc. then any celebrations are premature.

Do you think any Congressperson's legislative aid will be handing him/her Carey's essay as part of the daily briefing?


But only under the agenda item titled --"Things you don't have to worry about to get re-elected."

When was the last time you heard a pol say "I had to change my position or lose the MEN's RIGHTS voters?"

Never did, likely never will.

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