Canadian Women's groups fear federal cuts coming

The Toronto Star is publishing a firestorm of articles about the Status of Women here, here, and here.

Maclean's and the National Post have also picked up on the news here and here.

REAL Women of Canada are said to be the instigators, with the call to Prime Minister Harper to disband the SOW. The NDP brought it to light in their recent press release.

The Liberals have also issued a press release insisting that the Tories "make a public commitment to equality-seeking groups that they will be able to continue their very valuable work for women’s equality in Canada."

But even the NDP don't seem to be making this top priority: they have brought other issues to the forefront guaranteed to overshadow this, including calls for pharmacare.

Bev Oda, minister responsible for the Status of Women, is remaining silent on questions about the lack of funding, and the Finance Minister won't comment until next week.

Could this be the beginning of the end fo the SOW?

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I just read in the paper that two feminist organizations (National Association of Women and the Law and Feminist Alliance for International Action) have had their funding extended for another year.

The only good I can see come out of this is that the government is is keeping alive some of the more peripheral groups while still possibly going ahead and axeing more formidable feminist groups such as Status of Women Canada.

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The articles linked above illustrate a great anti-feminist strategy and show that all that's necessary to "pull the plug" on feminism is to "sunset" the millions of federal dollars that support their hate movement.

So far, there appear to be no headlines about hundreds of thousands of Canadian taxpayers marching to preserve S.O.W. or the other fem-squads.

The CA. Conservatives are simply going to let the feminist movement experience what real equality means. (Go find your own money based on actual support from the actual 53 feminists left in Canada?)

So then, why the unanimous passage of VAWA 2005 by the U.S. Congress, supposedly dominated by conservative Republican males?

Oh, I know.

Kim Gandy might have a hissy-fit in front of their D.C. offices if they voted to "pull the plug" on VAWA.

Too bad there's no visible MRA movement to make the pols recalculate the cost:benefit ratios of supporting a fem-hate bill.

Men will have rights again only when the cost to politicians of denying them is fatal to their political careers.

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Wether any of this actually comes to pass is yet to be seen and highly unlikely.

And as far as VAWA goes, America still has at least 30 years to go of that crap before you catch up with how long The Ministry of The Status of Women Canada has been around up here. I hope Americans catch on before 30 years from now though as VAWA in many ways is much more deadly then most of what Status of Women Canada has been able to get passed into federal law here.

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I hope it comes to pass, fucking liberal media; “Harper doesn’t care about women’s equality” Well maybe that’s because WOMEN ARE EQUAL IN CANADA? It is my opinion that all a country has to do is provide equal rights and opportunity, Canada has done this, why does Canada need 4000 organizations to promote something that already exists? Answer. It doesn’t.

Time for gender equality, men don’t have any male specific programs for, homelessness, health, poverty, to help immigrant men out, nothing, so lets remove these forms of female privilege, that the majority of funding is paid for by male taxpayers.

They had thirty fucking years to make women “equal” so either women earn less because they work less and work safer jobs, hence their organization is a scam, or, there really is “discrimination”(not) and their org is completely ineffectual and useless at fighting the non existent patriarchy they invented. Anyway you look at it, it’s time to go SOW.

….Oh but wait the average Canadian will see the phrase “Harper doesn’t care about women’s EQUALITY” and all thought and logic will stop, this demagogy will create an outcry amongst those that don’t like thought but like to call themselves progressive.

These feminist false perceptions are maintained in schools, in the media, in our justice system, in our government, they have built themselves a very powerful propaganda machine, but any propaganda machine is useless in the face of truth. The question how do we get our message injected into such a bias system like this?

Anyone ever think about Michael Moore or the supersize me guy and think that’s what needs to be done for mra’s. A documentary that exposes this bs, tears down the demagogy, exposes double standards, exposes paternity fraud, family court, ect ect and educates the general public at large about the hate industry feminism has become and lets the average male know he has a valid reason for outcry.


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