Accused Denied Due Process In Duke Lacrosse Rape

Accused Denied Due Process in Duke Lacrosse Case? by Wendy McElroy

"I believe the accused are blatantly innocent and that the prosecuting District Attorney Mike Nifong is acting with willful disregard for both the evidence in the case and the Constitutional rights of the accused. In this case, I believe the legal system is the enemy of justice...and nakedly so."

The Duke rape case will be an "eye opener" when it reaches court this spring. Why should these men wait so long to prove their innocence? The outcome (not guilty) will raise awarness that some woman do lie about rape for their own perverse goals ($$$$). The three accused men happen to have parents with tremendous wealth. She is looking to make some money off this false accusation. Disgusting!

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The Duke Lacrosse trials will be landmarks that can be used as examples to enact new legislation to restor some of the blance that VAWA has destroyed in the United States.

When these trials happen and get the medai coverage they deserve, I am very hopefull that people will finally say enough and demand the laws be changed to protect male victims of false accusations. There are enough laws and resources (maybe even more then enough) to help real rape victims but there is vitually no protection for innocent men against false accusations.

This case will focus intense light on that issue and that is a truly wonderfull thing that will come out of this otherwise completely tragic case for those young men.

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Wendy McElroy writes -- "But it is in the nature of pendulums to swing too far. A sensitivity toward victims became a demand that some accusations be simply and immediately believed: for example, accusations of sexual assault. 'Women don't lie about rape,' became a standard refrain. This placed the presumption of guilt upon anyone accused."

I am appreciating Ms.McElroy more these days because she is just doing research and arguing for greater attention to facts.

She used to instruct men about how they should think, feel, and act. I complained a lot and maybe she heard a trivial voice of dissent.

But when she fails to examine HOW "a sensitivity toward victims became a demand that some accusations be simply and immediately believed..."

then I have to say that iFeminists are still shucking and jiving around the main point:

it was radical FEMINISM that deformed the justice shitstem, and brought about the current "guilty until proven innocent" persecution of men.

Also the ridiculous assertion that "women don't tell lies..."

Any man with a mother knows this is false.

(That would be ummm .... maybe 99.9% ?)

So Wendy might increase her street cred with MRA's if she would just say the dirty F-word...

It's F-ing Feminism Wendy!

You know, the eight little letters that immediately follow the tiny "i" in your handle?

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