Kindergarden Infected with "Boy Bigotry"

Kindergarten rhyming book stirs controversy

"Girls are dandy, made out of candy. Boys are rotten, made out of cotton. Girls go to Mars to get candy bars. Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider.".

Parents are upset, rightfully so regarding a Kindergarden book that has negative messages about boys. Male biogtry now affects young boys. Is there any wonder why boys are falling behind in school? From the age of five these boys are brainwashed with the notion they are inferior to girls. Its time more men become elementary school teachers.

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Those nursery ryhms are after all classics. Further illustration that the patriarchy never existed in the first place. Women have ALWAYS had higher value to society then men.

The world may be by men, but it has never been for men. Men have for centuries done everything they could do to provide a comfortable life for women and children at their own personal sacrafice.

I completely agree that in these times of feminist domination that these types of ryhms are dangerous to children and should not be in our schools for kindergardeners. Maybe read in highschool to illustrate that there never was widescale oppression of women and start to re-educate our children that men and women always had pivotol roles of vital importance throughout history and it was never men forcing women to serve them. Turn a negative into a posative.

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MS Rogers says:

Can you spell M-I-S-A-N-D-R-Y?

It is a BIG WORD and a NEW WORD!


What do you think it might mean?

Everyone who thinks they know what it means raise your hand. And of course the girls go first as always!

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