Canada's NDP panders to feminists -- as usual

Canada's New Democratic Party (a party that cannot seem to gather more than 20% of the vote in any given election) put out this press release criticizing the current Conservative government for failing to ensure that the mandate of a number of women's organizations will survive into the near future.

Don't count on the Conservatives getting rid of such groups, however, as they are well aware that most Canadians are brainwashed into believing that women are oppressed and that these groups actually stand for equality. Like every political party, the Conservatives just want the most votes.

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I don't like much of Prime Minister Harper's and the Conservative Party of Canada's Policies but if he rid Canada of The Ministry of the Status of Women he would get my vote when the next federal election comes (which is almost by-weekly up here for those not familiar with Canadian Politics)

God bless you Mr Harper for making those femnazi cows beg for their money!

But seriously, what's up with Afganistan? Get our troops out of there!

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“The Conservative Government is not committed to promoting women’s equality”, said Mathyssen. “They are abandoning women in this country. Canada has not met its obligations and in particular those regarding violence against women, poverty, Aboriginal women and social housing.”

Oh uh someone is afraid of losing their ill gotten paycheck, see I care about violence against PEOPLE, PEOPLE living in poverty, Aboriginal PEOPLE and social housing for PEOPLE despite the fact more men are homeless. It is plainly observable why these biased corrupt orgs gotta go.

Status of women Canada, the group responsible for trying to label mra’s as hate groups and throw them in jail.
“School Success by Gender: A Catalyst for Masculinist Discourse”(see $75000 of the publics money and they cant even spell the word masculist right.)

I think if the average man knew about that and the methods used to keep the average Canadian woman looking so oppressed on paper with the misleading surveys the decades old single gender studies the biased publications ect ect. Canadian men would start to wonder why their tax dollars are wasted oppressing their own sex.

The big problem is the brainwashing, most liberals men and women of all levels of education especially university educated (because of Women’s studies and feminist influence in the liberal arts ect.), don’t think for themselves in issues regarding gender, they go along with the demagogy spewed by feminist lobby groups, media and government bodies like SOWC. Another problem is that the liberal Canadian press just loathes Harper, first because he is conservative second because at one point he refused to take questions from publications that would smear him, this led to a big press strike, he is not that media friendly at this moment, Harper knows that if he called for the removal of women’s programs the liberal press would brand him a sexist traditional conservative aiming to roll the clock back on women. The NDP is trying to trap Harper, they know he can’t enlighten the people thru the media and that the brainwashed public at large will only see the ndp as heroes for women, grrr rarrgh.

I think if any citizen actually researched sowc or wec they would see that these programs are ineffectual and needless at the very least but also motivated by political gain not social betterment, they are corrupt.

There are a few good posts on this site about some of these Canadian organizations. Here is one.

I support the conservatives if this is what they aim to do, I contacted them and let them know I feel that many women’s programs are unfair and unneeded, maybe mra’s and the Harper gov can help each other out, at least in this area. I defiantly support the removal of this program.

PS; I have a question. Is anyone aware of any Canadian mra sites?

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I have not really found any in my searching either (as is not really an MRA site)

For those who are interested in further information regarding what Hujo mentions in his post this link should fill you in:

Perhaps those of us who are Canadian on this site should shoot some ideas around and start one.

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I really believe women have achieved equality. As a college student I believe women aren't at a disadvantage when entering the work force. As an american I really don't know whether Canada has a "gender crisis". With that said, i dont believe feminism is about equal rights ( I never believed this), rather a supremacy group looking for complete political power. For example, The N.O.W. has become a liberal political group mostly concerned with the rights of lesbians. dare I say the organization is controlled by lesbians. These feminist groups are manipulators who claim their goal is about the rights of females. They hide behind this obvious lie because they realize their political goals can't (or won't) be questioned because they disguise their intentions. I believe the Canadian government is aware of this , but unable (or unwilling) to challenge this fallacy based on fear of being politically incorrect or anti-female. I find it ironic that feminist's continue to bitch and complain about female oppression, yet they will never admitt any advantages women have in society. I also believe feminist's have no problem playing the "victim card" when convenient for their political goals. Is it feasible for Canada to give these feminists political power by relocating them to the very northern, uninhabitable region of North America? Let them manipulate eskimo's while holding their campaigns on a block of ice. than again, they might identify all male penguins as perpetrators of domestic violence.


p.s. the New York Yankees have clinched their ninth straight division title!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s.s....Gentleman of Canada, you will always have hockey (great sport), Canadian whiskey (Seagrams V.O.) and Skinny Puppy. Skinny Puppy? (brilliant industrial band)....Scott knows what I'm speaking of. You also have the best "side" of Niagra Falls. I'm being silly. What you do have is complete knowledge and clarity regarding the "evil" goals of feminism.


Female teachers having sex with 14 year old students? Disgusting, illegal and rape. However, I have a "hot" proffesor at Syracuse. I'm 22 she's in her early 40's..not illegal, and certainly a desire on my part. I need to stop typing!

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"I have not really found any in my searching either Perhaps those of us who are Canadian on this site should shoot some ideas around and start one."
"Halifax communications consultant and blogger Audra Williams has mounted her own counter-offensive, urging readers to write to their MP in support of Status of Women Canada."This actually turns my blood to ice," Williams wrote last week. "I am calling my MP right now. I mean, I know she's on board, but still I am calling her."

Audra has quite the following of sycophantic blind liberals that bow down to her every irrational feminist whim, she used to run the pro feminist board babble, I registered as skeezer over a year ago before I knew about this site or much about mra's, she banned me in a month
But no doubt her small army of followers has raised a shit storm over this along with all the other femi groups and blogs in canada, So HELL YEAH a Canadian site would be all important in countering this sort of thing and would allow Canadians to show support for mra friendly politicos or policies.

We should iron it out somewhere.

(“Skinny Puppy? (brilliant industrial band)....Scott knows what I'm speaking of.”
Freaky, I happen to be the only skinny puppy fan I know, though not all of their work, mostly the good’ns off each album, too dark park I think holds the most good’ns I just completed my all time favorites skinny puppy mix, I had not listened to them for years before I made this mix and I was actually listening to skinny puppy as I read your ps! No shit!. :D
I think they were much more influential than they get credit for.)

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"Freaky"....??????? (lol)

i rated your post 4! Too Dark Park!!...absolutely!!! I always liked VIVIsectVi a bit more. The "Freaky" comment?...i'll take that as a compliment???????


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No, I just posted around the same time you did while listening to SP, I haven’t heard that name dropped in years, so I thought it was a little freaky, testure is a great song, one of my favorites. I didn’t mean you were freaky. LOL

(Sorry OT)

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