An Enquiry Into the Adult Male Experience of Heterosexual Abuse

This is an excellent study about DV against men committed by women, written by Anne Lewis. The study examines many factors involved in DV against men (powerlessness, feeling trapped, etc.) and does so in a sympathetic way. However, the interviews with the abused men are the most haunting thing in the entire study, and such brutal honesty is hard to take, so don't read the study if you're depressed or feeling uneasy right now. And as Anne says "In giving abused men a voice and the opportunity to tell their stories in an atmosphere of trust, I went on a journey of discovery. As an abused person, I was giving myself a voice. The men's pain became my pain, their injustice my injustice, their anger my anger. I listened to myself as I listened to them, and in helping to free them, I freed myself. My inner processes were facilitated by the validation which I as a woman receive from society, and I sought to bring something of that hope and vision to the men whose stories I was privileged to share." Be certain that you read the study to learn for yourself.

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