When it's men, they're only bodies and corpses

This and most other similar news reports are careful to avoid saying it, but every once in a while it slips by that all these victims are men:

Latest one here from BBC:

"Forty-seven bodies have been found across Baghdad, police say, raising the total number of corpses found in recent days in the Iraqi capital to 176.

Many of the victims had been tortured or shot in the head or chest."

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if ONE of those bodies were female, the headlines would read: "Female Body Found Among 176 Corpses"


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More likely the headline would simply read something like "Women Killed by Death Squads and Criminals in Iraq"

It would definately use the plural to imply more then one even if only one was found because femenist theory says that if one women is hurt or killed then they all are.

The article would droll on and on about the condition of this woman's body and would talk about what she might have been if she had lived as if it were the greatest tragity of our time that this poor girl was killed. It would mention the other 175 bodies but would not mention gender leaving the reader to guess wether they were men or women (it would of course imply that the other bodies are women aswell without saying it directly in order to appear credible).

Then the article would switch gears to women being trafficed for sex and would imply that this is another tragiity of the war in Iraq and that if there was no war in Iraq women would no longer be trafficed for sex or killed in that country. It would follow by blaming war on the Patriarchy and therefore all of the problems that women face in Iraq are the fault of men.

I know it's hard to think like a femenist because nothing they think is even remotely logical and all facts are distorted to mean something completely different then what they obviously mean.

You are definately on the right path to understanding what we are up against though. Just keep in mind that to femenists and their ilk men are not worth mentioning unless it is to blame all of the worlds problems on. A femenist writer would never mention men as victims in a headline.

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