NYTimes Drools Over Males-Getting-Eaten-Alive Theme

This sort of reminds me how it is reportedly illegal in Japan to display erotic art in public, so instead Japanese artists make use of animals-having-sex as a theme to portray eroticism.

Obviously discussing human males being killed by females during or after sex and sort of objectifying it as a natural phenomenon would provoke too much overt outrage, so instead, the Times must titillate itself with the "story" it has run. I guess it's their way of reminding everyone (as if we needed it) of such wondrous cultural standards as the disposability of males and the awesome reproductive and sexual powers of women-- all without actually doing so overtly.

Subtle as a sledge-hammer on the back of the head.

But, you have to admire their imagination and cutting-edge scientific reporting; after all, such sexual cannibalism in the insect kingdom has only been known about and studied for, oh, a mere 1,000 years or more.

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