Coming Soon to RADAR: Warren Farrell on Domestic Violence

This week, RADAR's not asking you to make any calls or write any letters.

But we do want to let you know that Warren Farrell has graciously given RADAR permission to serialize the chapter of his book "Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say" that deals with domestic violence.

Watch the RADAR website for the first installment, coming soon!

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I began reading "Why Men Are the Way They Are". I think I may table it for now in favor of "Women Can't Hear..."

I read that Farrell used to work for NOW and left due to the organization's blatant disregard of mens issues (go figure).

Before I knew who he was I had read an excerpt of "Why Men Earn More" and it was really eye-opening to view that BS wage gap stat from a truer perspective (I knew that stat had to be BS because of my own situation and those of other women around me). Just one of many ways NOW and other rad-fem groups run their "studies" resulting in misrepresented statistics.

I think men and women alike need to read this man's work because I think he is dead-on correct in so many aspects of human rights and the relationship between men and women.

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"I think men and women alike need to read this man's work because I think he is dead-on correct in so many aspects of human rights and the relationship between men and women."--NotAFeminazi

I agree. I've been hooked on Warren Farrell's work since I read "The Myth of Male Power" in '93. He's a kind person who cares about men, women, children and healthy families. He debunks feminist myths and illogical thinking, but is fair-minded and sensitive to women's legitimate concerns. The mainstream media generally ignore him (he's written many letters to the NY Times over the years but they seldom print his messages). I imagine that he isn't often invited to speak on college campuses. But in my book he's a beacon of truth, hope and decency.

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There's an hour-long video of Farrell's 2005 address at the CATO Institute discussing "Why Men Earn More."

Link at --

Farrell's own home site at includes a range of video clips, articles, book excerpts & reviews, as well as his 2006-2007 speaking dates -- even a couple college campus debates and workshops!

Amazingly, there is a community college in Chicago that hosts a "Men's Day" event where Farrell will appear.

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...sensitive to women's legitimate concerns.

Don't tell me you are one of these people that believe feminism has some legitamacy,do you? I'll tell you something:feminism never had any legitamacy and never will. The early feminists knew about and supported the laws of the 19th century that gave women impunity and the so-called "2nd wave feminism" of the late 60's were just as illegitimate (women love to parrot the line:"equal pay for equal work" even though this issue was resolved with the Pay Equity Act of 1963,five years before the 2nd wave of feminism) as the feminism of today is is because women were never truly oppressed,not like men are today. Feminism was never about equality but it was a female grab from power and that is all it is and always was,even from the beginning. Never lose sight of that.

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