Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada speaks about women's contributions to the court: 'a Piano'

From The Toronto Star:
"Since we have women on our bench, we have nicer pictures on the walls, better food in our dining room, a cake for every judge's birthday, yoga and, recently, a piano," McLachlin said in a speech at the Canadian Bar Association's annual meeting.

On a personal level, women judges could make for "happier courts," McLachlin said yesterday.
For at least two decades, Canada has defined merit as the ability to do the job, McLachlin said. As a result, the pool of prospective judges has widened, with more women, academics and lawyers with limited courtroom experience becoming judges, she said.

So, Chief justice Beverley McLachlin thinks that the important role that women play in the justice system is to make sure that the court houses get pretty pictures in the hallways and birthday cakes for judges; oh and a piano, can't forget the piano. BUT, she also mentions that Canada hires inexpirienced women judges [READ: INCOMPOTENT] over males (who if hired, must be even more incompotent then the females so as not to show them up) who have much greater in court experience.

Once again, a hardcore feminist puts having a vagina (and optional YOGA classes) over hard work and experience in order to fast track 'equality'

God help every man when YOGA classes are higher on the list then justice according to the Supreme Court!

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I work alone, night shift so I'm the only person in the building. I've been in the women's restroom a few times... and what I saw shocked me. Not only is it kept much cleaner than the men's bathroom, with no open trash cans and well stocked with supplies, but they have FLOWERS in the restroom! Not plastic flowers, these are fresh flowers that need to have the water changed and removed/replaced when they get old.

Then they have the different sorts of soaps and lotions that men obviously don't need - you see, men are brutes and oafs, they don't have emotions and they obviously don't deserve a soap that doesn't smell like a hospital.

We recently lost a company phone and I told one of my coworkers that I went to look in the women's bathroom and told him what I saw, and you could see the shock on his face. Then he went himself to check and said to me, "that's just not fair!!"

Now you tell me, how much of it is the women making it a better place for themselves and how much of it is the company going the extra length, a sort of institutionalized chivalry if you will.

Makes me sick, to see this sort of blatant discrimination.

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