Another Defeat at the Supreme Court of Canada
Submitted by Paragon on Mon, 2006-07-31 18:15
Divorced dads lose in SCC ruling on child support
Here is the story.
Canada's Supreme Court has ruled ex-spouses [READ: DADS] could face hefty retroactive child support payments if they fail to declare increased earnings -- a decision that could affect thousands of divorced and separated couples across the country.
The ruling was unanimous: 7-0. The top court decided that ex-spouses -- the fathers in most cases -- who pay support have an obligation to report increases in income which could therefore boost their court-ordered payments.
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glenn sacks
will the courts acknowledge the reality that some fathers have lost income? glenn sacks has written many articles regarding "dead broke dads". keep in mine that the term "dead beat dads" somehow is an accepted phrase that has been created by feminists. so much for political correctness. a divorced man will often lose his home, and is forced in a one bedroom shit hole. however, the courts and feminists want to destroy whats left of his dignity. if the man is rendered homeless, the courts expect him to use the $$ he has gained by recycling soda cans.. i'm being a bit of an alarmist, but sacks's theory of "dead broke dads" has validity.
Re: glenn sacks
Spasmolytic, this sort of stuff has killed many men, some more directly than others. For instance - make sure you read his suicide note. We're disposable beasts of burden to feminist Canadian society. Animals have more rights and get far more respect than we do. The only way to defend yourself, howsoever slightly in this misandric mess is to never marry and never have children. I strongly recommend a vasectomy to most men, since a woman can happily commit fraud and theft to use your sperm to impregnate herself, even if you never have sex with her, and you get to pay the bills for the rest of your life while she takes a vacation and whines about what a victim she is. It does't provide fair treatment under the laws, in employment/education or in society, but it does neutralize many of the feminist's most powerful weapons against us.
This isn't the Canada I was born in and it sure as shit won't be the Canada I die in. Either it gets better, or the grrlz can find themselves another slave to pay for their privileges, 'cause I'm moving.
Oh, Since When?
Since when did it become the jurisdiction of the courts to decide on what economic level kids should have in broken families when they don't have that right in intact families?
If Donald Trump had underage kids and decided they would have cheap off the rack shoes rather than expensive handmade Italian imports, even though he could afford it, SO WHAT? If the kids have serviceable shoes then that is as far as the state has any business.
In broken families with underage children the state should only be concerned that they get the minimum to live on. Anything above that is to be decided on and negotiated between the man and woman who had the kids in the first place even though they are divorced or separated.
is feminism more of a virus in canada than the u.s?...i've read many articles that suggest canada is under a massive feminist attack.
canada and the u.s. have different political agendas, but feminism is an infection that needs both nations attention. maybe feminists are jealous that they'll never infiltrate canadian hockey. ( im an islander fan)..dont laugh!
Canada is ruled by the Matriarchy
Yes, it is true, Canada is a female chauvinist hotbed! Female chauvinism is much more ingrained in every day life including laws, government policies, the media, the school system - virtually every facet of Canadian life. Witness the recent Supreme Court of Canada decision forcing fathers (let's just call it like it is) to cough up more and more money every time they get a pay raise, while at the same time the ex-wife and mother is not obligated to contribute a dime or even have a job! Yet another asinine decision from the SCC, but what can you expect when half the court is female? The females all vote for "female friendly" laws and the men, thinking that women need their help and that chivarly is an admirable trait, always support the "female friendly" laws. The result is a country where women rule and men pay the bills. We had a sexual revolution and a feminist revoultion.....what we need in Canada is a Masculinist revolution to make things equal!
Top-down feminism
Canada is widely considered the most feminist country on Earth. This is because our fearless former leader, Pierre Trudeau, decided that feminism was such a worthy cause that he should not only fund it and promote it, but also that it should be national policy. As a result, instead of feminism being a movement at the bottom of the political food chain, it's ingrained from the top down.
Consider that we used to have a "NOW" equivalent. Ours was made into a government agency (Status of Women Canada), funded by taxpaying men like me.
Canada is pretty much a lost cause, other than as a lesson as to how bad things can really get.
random man
its deplorable canada is under attack based on a premise of lies and manipulated statistics. this is form of propaganda is generated by an absurd animosity toward men.
i simply don't understand why so much political power is lavished on feminist bigotry, when infact they are nothing more than a hate group.
however, the states are into a virtual hell with the harsh reality that hillary clinton could be the next president.
a woman that described her secret service men "they are my personal pigs"...this women is dangerous