Duke LAX Case: Nifong Admits Some Criticism Justified
Submitted by Evil White Male... on Sat, 2006-07-29 02:13
Story here.
Excerpt: Nifong also said there was evidence he hoped to have in the case, such as DNA, but that it didn't pan out..."There were things we hoped to have in terms of evidence that we ended up not having," Nifong said...However, Nifong said that he stands behind the case....
"I have not backed down from my initial assessments of the case," Nifong said.
Translation: We hoped to have evidence to back up our wild, false, politically motivated, misandric claims, we didn't, but they're still guilty. I FEEL it!
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duke rape case...what a joke
i follow this case very closely. i can not wait until the jury hears nifongs assine prosecution. did you guys know, 2 of the men were thrown out of the university (so much for innocent until be proven guilty)
the other man, who graduated lost his job with a major corporation. this woman, who "claims" she was raped...was examined by a rape medical expert. they found seaman, not from the accused, but from her boyfriend! apparently after she was "raped" she went home and had sex with her boyfriend, than subsequently went to the hospital. these poor men have to wait till the spring of '07 before this ridiculas case is heard by a jury. when, not if, they are let go, their lives will forever be tarnished. not because they did anything wrong, but becuase they were accused.
feminists will always use typical bullshit to suggest only 2% of woman lie about rape. when will someone step up and challenge these facist propaganda. it might not happen because men are governed by "the umbrella of political correctness"...we can't challenge any feminist theory without being considered a sexist. eventually women, such as wendy mcelroy will gain momentum and engage these femnazis in a good old fashion cat fight. my money is on wendy.
in conclusion: nifong was completely ignorant and unaware of the massive media attention this cased has gained. he's shiting bricks becuase he know's he can't win. thats why the case is set for spring of '07.....after the d.a. election. i hate nifong more than the lier whore who conviently targeted the three most wealthy players
by the way...jesse jackson, regardless of the outcome, will pay for the remaining of her education. god help us all
Presumption of Guilt
What bothers me most about this case is the fact that the DA (Nifong) took the word of the alleged victim as gospel and immediately made his mind up that the guys were guilty. Jumping to conclusions of guilt based on “she said” evidence, then, seeking proof to back-up an already made-up mind is neither professional nor ethical in my opinion. What happened to the presumed innocent part? In the court of Nifong’s mind, these guys have already been tried, convicted, and executed! Sounds like a modern day version of a Salem Witch Hunt! I suppose presumption of innocence does not apply when the alleged victim is female, the accused is male, and the DA is a moron!?
Presumption of Innocence
RE: Duke Rape Case... What a Joke
How can people step up and challange the system when you noted your self that the accusation alone leaves those accused completely ruined.
I am suing the local police, the Ontario Government and the entire family of the whack job that falsely accused me of sexual assault. However, if I do not win I will be left with nothing other then more debt then I could possibly pay off in ten lifetimes.
I lost everything from the accusation, my job, my house, my fiance (maybe that wasn't such a bad thing but...)
Many men kill themselves in my shoes. I see it all the time in other cases. They can't deal with the shadow of doubt that hangs over them and the fact that the only recourse means betting mot only your future but your families future for generations if you lose.
That's why no one steps up to take on these laws.
It has nothing to do with being called sexist. That's the least of my worries. Feminists and haters can call me whatever they want and I won't go away.
I truly do want to see the day that men do not have to live in fear that any woman they have ever laid eyes on (or any woman that has ever heard of their existance) can at whim destroy their life by making up some story that is so incredably rediculious that no one should ever believe it (but they will) because she heard their is free money for making rape claims. She can do it over and over and over again - In Canada anyway - and get paid each time she makes an accusation with no fear whatsoever that anyone will take even a single penny back from her if she is proven to have repeatedly lied.
Who needs the lottery in Canada if your a female, you can just falsely charge every guy that you have ever met and live a very comfortable life on th tax payers bill.
I was in the same situation here in the States yet I did not do what you did as far as the suing. I know what it's like. I wish you luck!
Evil White Male Oppressor
"I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"
hello evil white male:
" i am not a number i am a free man"
is that a reference to a quote from an iron maiden album. maiden might have sampled the qoute, so i wonder where it was first mentioned. iron maiden: number of the beast
The Prisoner
It is from the British 60's TV series, "The Prisoner" starring Patrick McGoohan.
Evil White Male Oppressor
"I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"
Evil White Male,
You should sue. In many states there is no statute of limitaions on civil actions. check out if you can.
Suing their asses is the only thing I can think of that has a chance of making law enforcement realize what they are doing to innocent men and the ONLY thing that has any chance of stopping a liar is if you make them pay financially. Take beck all that free money she got with interest.
I have struggled to scrape back together after what happened to me and thank god for my friends who helped me out. I have things more or less back in order now (though I am still black listed in my field of Telecomunications).
I need to fight back for my own well being. People tend to believe you more when you follow up the story of what happened to you with you are currently in the process (which could take a decade or so to sue to government) of fighting what happened in court.
I couldn't agree more...
I really admire what you are doing -- I was really traumatized by my incident as it involved incarceration for about four days. I was angry and I am not sure if the best thing would be to just let it go. But it has really messed up certain aspects of my life...
Evil White Male Oppressor
"I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"
I know exactly how you feel
I was in jail for a week waiting to get a Bail hearing when I was arrested so I know that pain all to well. Because I was arrested at my workplace everyone knew what had happened and when I got out in bail I went back to work only to find out that I had "quit because you abandoned your job for a week without notice" - as if I had any say in the matter. That was just their way of getting rid of me while avoiding the legal ramafications of firing me for being arrested for sexual assault.
I struggled with those same feelings of anger and confusion (and sometimes I still do) about what to do for the whole time it was going on and even more so after it was all over (It took close to two years to get to trial)
But I just could not let it all just mean nothing. If I just let it go then how many other innocent men are going to get dragged into my shoes after me? How am I supposed to just get on with my life like nothing happened? Funny to, cause the Crown (Our version of a DA) when the verdict was reached came up to me outside the court room and suggested that I do just that. "Move on with your life, and just let it go" he told me. I am not going to repeate the advice I gave him in return.
Am I scared of retaliation? Oh hell yeah! I so much as get stopped for a speeding ticket these days and I am going to be arrested on some bullshit charges ("Sir, your tale light is broken" type stff) or have the shit kicked out of me. The cops around here (and pretty much everywhere) are a tight nit bunch and watch eachother's backs. I am suing them - they all know who I am - and they really don't like me.