Men are More Likely Than Women to Be Victims in Dating Violence, UNH Expert Says
Submitted by bull on Wed, 2006-07-26 06:11
A 32-nation study of violence against dating partners by university partners found that about a third had been violent, and most incidents of partner violence involve violence by both the man and woman, according to Murray Straus, founder and co-director of the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire. The second largest category was couples where the female partner was the only one to carry about physical attacks, not the male partner.
As studies, such as this, make their way into mainstream thinking, perhaps most reasonable people will start calling into question feminist myths that have yielded them much and altered social policy in destructive ways?
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I wonder if Police/Courts will ever realize this simple truth...
Murray Straus has been doing this longer then most, and he tries very hard to weed out his own personal bias in his research.
The fact that in Collages and Universities there is more violence among women is likely in part due to the fact that women are presant in disprapotionately high numbers there. Womens studies courses are also often full of such hatefull propaganda that it only stands to reason that in the groups chosen for this study women would come out on top.
Of course, women are also told in these courses that doing things that was once considered almost exclusive to males is empowering - and this of course includes crime (not that crime has ever been as male dominated as prison populations and court sentances reflect). Therefore, these women are merely "empowered" when they beat the snot out of their confused (because he knows that if he so much as makes a gesture that he is going to defend himself she'll have him arrested) boyfriend with a hot crimping iron.
If he makes a complaint about the burns and bruses she has inflicted, the police will simply inform him that he should have listened better to his girlfriend and this would not have happened. No arrests will be made and no charges laid. the police and the court system are 100% in the control of the Matriarch.
As for mainstream media, they are a little less easy to control then the police/court system, so it's possible that some tidbits of this information can get out. However, feminists also have a common bond with the media that allows them to work very well together. Both feminists and the mainstream media LOVE sensationalist reporting. Accurate facts be damned as long as you evoke an emotional reaction out of your audience that's all that matters.
Since feminists can spin lies a hell of alot faster then authentic research can be done to debunk them, it's unlikey that anyone will be convinced by this research amongst the sea of feminist lies.
But hey, hope remains eternal, so I definately share your hopes that one day everyone will see through the lies of the lace curtain.