Fund Drive

MANN has now been running on our new server and software for nearly a month. I hope everyone is happy with the changes - I know it's definitely improved the reliability and usefulness of the site to me. I've rarely done this before, but I'd like to make a special request for donations to help keep going. Our new dedicated server and hosting costs have gone up significantly, and while I will continue to pay for them out of pocket, contributions are greatly appreciated, and I pledge that 100% of donations received will go to defraying our hosting costs. Please consider making a donation via PayPal. I will take down this post on August 1. Thanks for your support!

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How much has been donated so far?

I just sent you my donation.

Others who are reading this help keep up the great work of


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Hi Leuk,

As of this moment, I have received $95. I'm very grateful for the support people have shown, both monetarily and in other ways.


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I will donate as soon as I can get some money into Paypal, this site is worth it.

Thanks for the work!

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Scott, I'll try to help you out as much as possible...I surely don't want see this site go broke...and blank, not for an intelligent black masculist!!!


*****masculism is a black male's best friend!!!!!*****

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hello scott

i have e-mailed you...the money is coming

i cant think of better way earned dollars could be better spent on a powerfull, insightfull, and relevant website.

anthony..a.k.a. spamsmolytic

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I made my donation--as small as it was. Hopefully, I will be able to send more money before the end of the year.

We must keep this site going and growing.

Every friend I refer to this site tells me how eye opening it was for him.

Scott, thanks for all your hard work!

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The response to the fund drive has been great, and I'd like to thank everyone who made a contribution, as well as those who are not in the financial position to make a donation at this time but still support the site. Your generosity and spirit give me a lot of encouragement, and the financial gifts will give the site a some sustinance to keep going with. I also promise not to make a habit of these fund drives, because I know how disruptive they can be.



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