Jury Deliberates for Second Day in Andrea Yates Trial

Read how many possible excuses were made for this horrible child murderer. She was possessed and depressed with the tagline that she had postpartum depression: "Yates suffered from severe postpartum psychosis, which he called the cruelest of mental illnesses" Yes the cruelest, and it ONLY happens to women. How convenient.

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this is difficult to mention, but i believe we are here for a common goal as brothers. i firmly believe i will not be criticized or poorly judged based on my comments

i went through a period some years ago when i suffered from severe depression. i had a self destructive moment that i will always regret. the experience has made me appreciate life and embrace happiness. my point??......everyone reacts to depression in a different way. to suggest a woman with postpardum depression is more severe than my own experience is insulting. during my "dark days" i never hurt anyone or had a desire to let my emotional situation have a negative impact on anyones life. i never used my condition as an a exuse...i always have had accountability for my actions. i was never a "victim" of my emotional state.

this woman killed her five children!!...putting her in a mental facility with release determined when healthy, is a travesty. this (possibly) could happen within several years if her excuse is accepted by the jury. i'm against the death penalty, but not against punsihment. she deserves life in prison.. the reality: the court system seems to have sympathy for women. a dangerous precedence will develop if insanity is determined based on postpartum depression. it will give some women the license to kill, without repercussion. i'll follow this case very closely.



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It is very true that both sexes suffer from myriad forms of mental illnesses. However the justice system sees women as victims and men as "pick yourself up by your bootstraps and don't let your debilitating mental conditions affect any part of your life."

This victim status extends into letting women off the hook in MANY MANY cases where if it was a man, he would have been thrown to the lions.

Women already have a license to kill - they can kill their newborn babies and police will only seek them out to give them counselling (on the taxpayer's dime and completely anonymous obviously), they can kill the men in their life and pull the Battered Wives Club card, the list goes on. Women know this and are using it in ever greater numbers.

Pity our chivalrous judges and politicians don't really give a flying f%$* about the common man.

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You are preaching to the choir here brother!

Your comments are "right on" and should be shared with the Andrea Yates apologists at:


It is a forum discussing, if you can call it that, the Andrea Yates case.

So sign up and let it rip before the verdict comes in.

BTW: there have been two other child murderering women in Texas who have gotten the "golden pass" by being found not guilty by reason of insanity after Andrea Yates murdered 5 children.

One was Deanna Laney who bashed the skulls of three children with a rock. Two died at the crime scene and the other is permanently injured.

The other is Dena Schlosser who cut the arms off of a 11 month old infant with a butchers knife. Yes, you read this correctly.

Yates will in all probability get the "golden pass" too after this trial.

Men are demonized and imprisoned while women are diagnosed and treated.

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She needs to be drowned in a public forum.

It will serve as a deterent to future "claimed" depression by any woman.

oregon dad

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Another female serial killer walks

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Now we can't hold the poor dear responsible for her behaviors can we!? She will undoubtably be released back into society some time in the future. Lock your doors!

Houston Chronicle Story-Line Here

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we all no the outcome with the yates trial
not guilty by reason of insanity.

my prediction:

she'll be out within 10 years. she'll write a book, and will be on oprah. yates will than become the victim as oprah hugs her. than the question will be asked "were was your husband through all of this" her husband will somehow be blamed for her vicious crime. charlie brown said it best "good grief"


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Nancy has some feminist guest on her show tonight that is going to blame everything on Yate's ex-husband and the police.

Should be a real good laugh. I still can't believe that women get a free ride when they commit the worst kind of murder imaginable.

She was depressed
Her husband made her live in a bus for a short period long before the murders.
She couldn't get a break from the kids because they were home schooled
the devil made her do it

The whole freakin' trial was about poor Andrea. The MURDERED children were an after thought.

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One might anticipate more frequent legal defence strategies based on mental illness arguments.

A recent international research study concludes --

"Mental illnesses including anxiety disorders and depression are common and under-treated in many developed and developing countries, with the highest rate found in the United States, a study of 14 countries indicates. ... Based on face-to-face diagnostic surveys in the homes of 60,463 adults, the study found that mental ailments affect more than 10 per cent of people queried in more than half the countries surveyed. ... Rates ranged from 26.4 per cent of people in the United States to 8.2 per cent of people in Italy.


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If the shrinks, counselors, and women's advocates can rehabilitate Ms. Yates to the level of talk-show appearance illusion of sanity, then everybody has major bank to be made.

All the money depends of her eventually being "rehabilitated," because if she languishes for too many years in the Nut House, then she becomes just an anonymous nobody that nobody remembers.

It all hinges on developing Yate's conversational potential.

If she can present the facade of semi-normalcy (basically speak in simple sentences .... think Jessica Lynch ...

then a brand will be born!

The movie option deals are already spinning in Hollywood... except just like "In Cold Blood," the ENDING has yet to play out!

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my prediction:

she'll be out within 10 years. she'll write a book, and will be on oprah. yates will than become the victim as oprah hugs her. than the question will be asked "were was your husband through all of this" her husband will somehow be blamed for her vicious crime. charlie brown said it best "good grief"

1. She will be out IMO in no more than 2 years.
Andrea Yates is as of today is an innocent person. She is not guilty of anything. She is just another mentally ill patient being TEMPORARILY held by the state so her mental illness can be treated. She has already had almost 10 years of treatment already from private insurance and the state after the murders. So that will be a huge factor in her lawyers or advocate challenging the state of Texas about her continued involuntary confinement. The state has the continual burden of justifying keeping an innocent mentally ill person against their will according to a 1992 Supreme Court ruling; Foucha vs. Louisiana.

2. She already has a book out and is doing quite well in sales; "Are You There Alone," or some such title.

3. I am sorry to read that you believe that misandric hog Oprah Winfrey will still be around in 10 years.

4. Rusty Yates is getting blamed for every damned thing pertaining to this case. No one stops to realize that if he had taken any steps to restrain or control Andrea all she would have had to do is get to a telephone and dial 911 and have HIM arrested under VAWA. And even with her documented history of severe mental illness she would have still gotten the kids, house, etc.

All females in the US and the West for that matter are members of an aristocracy that has superior rights just by accident of birth that always trumps those of the peasant class: read: men.

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I may be wrong on that but I do believe that read that Oprah is the richest woman in the world.

So of course she will be around 10 years from now, even if she couldn't muster up a single disgruntled female to watch her in 10 years time she could still afford to fund her hate speech for the rest of her life.

And she's always got that puppet of hers "Dr." Phill who spouts just as much man hating crap as she does.

Heck in 10 years time Oprah might fund her own run for the presidency as head of the new Femocrat party (which will obsorb [with their new and improved wrap around wings] all female members of the existing democrat party and excomunicate all the feminist loving male democrates because htey are male)LOL!

Maybe by that time Andrea Yates will be such a feminist heroine that she'll get to be secratary of state LOL!

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your being to kind..."castrated man slave" might be more accurate.

gentleman...keep the posts coming...i love it!



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your being to kind..."castrated man slave" might be more accurate.

gentleman...keep the posts coming...i love it!



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i might have spent too long at happy hour...im not a drunk.....but 2 pitchers of beer for $5!...which is why i posted a double post

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I am a man after all.

But maybe you are correct about "Dr." Phill...

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