Why Johnny Can't Read: Schools Favor Girls

It seems this idea is finally gaining momentum. Citing a "new study", this article also mentions that there is no difference in literacy between home-schooled boys and girls. Why aren't the women who dominate elementary teaching being disciplined for failing to educate half of their students?

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"In an interview, one boy summed up the problem for Kleinfeld. He said: "Why would anyone want to read novels? They aren't even true!"

Overanalyzing a problem increases the chances of introducing errors. Much can be learned by taking the problem to the one's (boys) affected. It would be interesting to see what would happen to girls' scores if the schools exclusively catered to boys' styles of learning and focused on cultivating male strengths. I guess boys’ choices are become feminized or score poorly or drop out. Many spin-off affects are realized by this agenda that hurt society overall. How many would be future scientists and engineers (fields that demand skills more evident in males; spatial ability for example) fall to the wayside due to frustration and not having their strengths cultivated? Contrary to what many females think, the world does not spin on feelings alone!

"It takes few words to speak the truth." Chief Joseph (1840-1904)

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"...the world does not spin on feelings alone!"

C. H. Sommers in 'Who Stole Feminism' has the following priceless excerpt on this:

'...we remain in the dark on the question of what a feminist scientific curriculum would look like and how it would lead to "reinventing science." As philosopher of mathematics Margarita Levin dryly remarks, "One still wants to know whether feminists' airplanes would stay airborne for feminist engineers.'" (68)

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just a thought

over the past 30 years, the united states continues to lag behind many other nations regarding math and science skills.

so many government funded programs try to increase girls interest in math and science (at the expense of a males natural desire to enter these fields and excel.) maybe girls don't have the same desire because they are not genically programmed to excel as well as boys in math and science...i refuse to accept feminist propaganda which suggests its social conditioning (male oppression) that prevents women from exceling in these areas.

my prediction....as long as the education system primarily focuses on girl empowerment, the united states will continue to lag even further behind in math and science...the education system has ignored boys, which will have a negative impact on both men and women..."when one gender suffers, the species will suffer"


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E=MC2 now means Entitlement = MaleCastration2 LOL

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How many posters hereabouts have stories to tell about domineering female teachers?

Was school a place where you learned to see yourself as a failure? A success?

And, which if any teachers inspired you?

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