Woman 'spared' jail for sex abuse of son

Note that this rapist didn't "avoid" jail, but was "spared." Yet another female predator escapes jail on the pu**y-pass. And this monster raped her own SON! Note also how the writer of the news article desparately tries to find a man to blame it on, and it's quite a stretch, too -- apparently, the woman got messages on the Internet telling her to do it. Is that like blaming the voices in her head? Heaven forbid women should behave like grown-ups and have the strength of character to say "no" to an email. Good God!

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after reading the article, the comment "unusual hardship" was the most disturbing. this female, confined to a wheel chair, apparently has gained empathy from the female judge. was any consideration given to the 6 year old boy and how his life could ultimately be damaged? im suprised her e-mail partner (most likely a man) wasn't blamed for this woman's evil behavior.

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The stranger initiated a controlling relationship, commanding her to "obey the master at all cost."
The woman met a man on an Internet chat room for people interested in the bondage and sado-masochism.

What do these idiots think is the definition of sado-masochism, aka BDSM? If we didn't spare the nazi soldiers who were "following orders," orders that were enforceable with a bullet to the head, why are we giving ANY credence to this woman's (lawyer's) sob story about an internet chat room?

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So we have a 38 year old, wheelchair-bound woman who has CEREBRAL PALSY and we give her custody of her 6 year old... ?

Either she's too affected by her disease to be responsible for her behavior, and then we have to question who the hell lets a woman like that in charge of a 6 year old, or she's not and then this article is another piece of bad journalism by throwing that disease in there without contextualizing it.

And then there's some guy somewhere who actually met this woman, who is on a wheelchair and has cerebral palsy, TWICE, maintained a sexually-charged online relationship with her only to get her to bang her son? Sure, there are twisted people out there, as we've seen with those "heads in the fridge" cases, but come on. I doubt we're being told the whole story here, and I doubt we ever will, but I smell some downplaying of the part this woman took in planning the abuse of her own child.

Oh, and since finding this "guy" who masterminded the abuse would be way way too easy for the authorities involved (just getting her ISP logs would do the trick), makes me wonder why they didn't and why there's no reference to that in the article. It's just way too weird. I just hope we don't see another flurry of excuses for the abuse of children by females through allegations of mental disease and imaginary cyber-masters.

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1. This stupid judgement took place in the so-called justice system of Canukastan. Why Canada is still considered a nation rather than a perverse state of mind is beyond me.

2. Of course the man in this story is painted as the real culprit, that is a given.

3. Isn't sentencing someone wheelchair bound with cerebal palsey to house arrest like sentencing a fish to a pond? Not much of a sentence at all. And of course if it were a a disabled man in the same situation he would be held to a much higher standard of responsibilty and punished with real jail time.

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The article makes it very clear that all the blame for this was on the part of this so called "Master" whom this women merely obeyed when she raped her own son.

However, the fact that there does not seem to be enough evidence to charge this man - and the police do seem to have possesion of this woman's hard drive with all of the logs on it - clearly they feel that it was this sick woman who wanted to have sex with her son.

Trust me on this one, in Canada if they can get a man in jail on even the weakest shred of "evidence" (used in the absolute loosest way possible) with regard to anything sexuall the police/crown atourney will persue it with extreme vigillence.

So this "it's all his fault" nonsence that this woman's lawyer used at the trial is just an excuse. If there was any evidence there (especially since the man is also in Canada so the arrest is a mere phone call away) he would be front page news on the Globe & Mail, National Post, all over CTV, and the CBC by now.

However, I am not certain the "undue hardship" of jail time that the judge mentioned was refering to the woman. I am more inclined to believe that there simply are not the facilities available in Canada (we have less then 1000 female inmates currently encarcerated in the whole county) to accomidate her. There are mens facilities which have wheelchair friendly cells (bars to lift one's self to the toilet and into bed ect.)and ranges in jails with no stairs but I do not believe the same can be said for the few womens prisons available.

I get that prison is punishment, but if prison makes it impossable for some one to even use the toilet that is a bit extreme. Solution: Build more women's prisons that are able to house a wider variety of inmates.

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6-year-old boy COULD be damaged?! He was forced to have sex with his own mother!!! I guarantee that he is mentally damaged by this atrocity! But once again Thank you to the Feminazi society for letting yet another Rapist out on my streets. Yet another woman hides behind a diagnosis!! Someone shoot me in the head...

Men's Rights NOW!!

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Luek wrote: "This stupid judgement took place in the so-called justice system of Canukastan. Why Canada is still considered a nation rather than a perverse state of mind is beyond me."

Yeah, at times it's almost as bad as the US, isn't it Luek.

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im new to this website, but i believe we are here for a common goal....exposing what is becoming a society of male bigotry. its exists in canada and america....i extend friendship to all men that post insightfull opinions....lets not have a usa/canada battle....im not judging anyone, but i believe that the canadian justice system is a bit more liberal.

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I have been to Canada a few times and I like the people. I have found when I was up there that they will go out of their way to help visitors like myself.

That just makes it even more disconcerting that their government is so misandric and politically paranoid. Their government has some of the most toxic and punitive hate speech and domestic violence laws in the world.

And that is too bad. The average Canadian deserves better...eh?

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"Why Canada is still considered a nation rather than a perverse state of mind is beyond me"

Hmmm, as a Canadian, I would be offended, but I actually tend to agree with him in some ways (nonetheless, the statement was a hair over-the-top).
What bothers me is that liberal governments (both sides of the border) pander to special interest groups to gain support, rather than made sound decisions. "Liberal" and "men's rights" should not, ideally, be contradictory ideas.

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