"Heading South" Wreaks of 2x-Standards

Ahh, another "reverse the sexes" exercise for you... Libidos of a Certain Age, indeed! Not just the movie, but the audiences', as well as the NYTimes' reaction to it stink of double-standards. Men "of a certain age" heading south for sexual relations with teenage girls would of course be condemned, arrested, etc. Women doing the same to get with teen-aged island boys, however-- well, that's not only OK, it's grrreeeaaattt!!!

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Of course the young boys who are forced into prostitution love these wrinkled up old hags who pay them for sex. Why I'd bet even if they were rich and not wanted by the police they would still love to service these old women! ROFL!!

These women justify their actions in EXACTLY the same ways that male sex tourists do. The men claim to love the girls they sleep with for money in underdeveloped impoverished nations to.

It is NOT ok for men in our society to be sex tourists and prey on the children of other nations. It has never been looked upon by the vast majority of society as a correct and praisworthy behavior. It has always been frowned upon and in recent decades in many respects it is criminalized.

So why is it cause for celebration that women do it?

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"So why is it cause for celebration that women do it?"

Well good lord, sir, hadn't you heard? The reasons are as follows:

1. Wimmyn can do no wrong.
2. Wimmyn by nature are incapable of sexual predation. One is always mistaken if one concludes that a womyn is behaving in a sexually predatory manner.
3. Sexuality in wimmyn and men is totally different. Men inherently seek sexual contact for mere physical or power-centered reasons while wimmyn seek it for emotional and nurturing reasons... only. Hence they are incapable of committing any kind of sex crime (see #1 and #2 above).

If #2 and #3 seem too much to think about, you needn't really get past reason #1. It's that simple, really.

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"So why is it cause for celebration that women do it?"

According to a review on imdb.com, "Three years ago Brenda seduced Legba at fifteen, after her late husband had been feeding him meals, and she had her first orgasm with the boy, at the age of 45."

Yeah, totally cool. I mean, she had never even had an orgasm before, how much more innocent can you get?!

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This reminds me of that movie I'm not sure how long ago: "How Stella Got Her Groove Back". I never saw it when it was in theaters, but a friend and I were having a girl's night and rented it. It left me shaking my head. I don't remember exactly, but didn't he wind up giving up his education and/or career to be with her? That movie left me with a sour taste in my mouth. And the thought of this one is doing the same. It's on my "must miss" list.

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That's how much more innocent you can get. A virgin trumps a disgruntled non-orgasmic old hag anyday in my book.

But even if a man who has been abused his whole life into thinking he is worthless (probably by self riteous young women) and is a virgin travels over seas and tries to live out all those things he missed out on in his younger days he is a monster and in need of a long time behind bars.

Of course I do not in any way condone vicumization of children for one's own gratification under any circumstances (including circumstances of gender), I am merely pointing out the fact that there are often mitigating circumstances even when an evil card holding member of the partriarchy commits an offence.

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Interesting that the flick uses Haiti in the 1970's as the exotic locale of choice for post-menopausal frolicking.

You couldn't present the same fantasy today, with Haiti's AIDs pandemic off the charts.

I lived in the southern Caribbean for some years in the 1980's, and can testify to what the local "beach-boys" think about white women.

They are, in a word, universally seen as whores.

The German women were viewed as the top world-class sluts, followed by the Americans, French, and British. (Nice to see the French besting their rivals across the channel in something!)

The illusion of exotic romance, the forbidden fruit of inter-racial trists, women recovering youth through sex with native boys, all this is bound up in a commercial transaction founded on colonialism and its distortions.

In Haiti especially, there are only two classes of people.

Those who can afford a plane ticket to escape, and those who cannot.

So, screwing a lonely old hag who will soon fly away is a beach-boys opportunity to someday follow her to paradise... i.e. anywhere else.

It's all about a simple exchange of desires.

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The Phillepeans has the highest percentage of female sex workers in the word. There are more women working as prostitutes there then there are men ans women combined working in the factories (and just think of how many things are 'made in the Phillapeans')

I would bet that the girls there use the white male tourists for money for a plane ticket just as the beach boys in the Carribean use the rich white women.

So why is it that we need to hear feminist groups hysterically rant 4 to 5 times per year with there international alerts about the abuse that 'men' cause these girls?

Yet no one seems interested in the struggled of underprivilaged boys in 3rd world countries who are forced to work as prostitutes just as women are, plus are frequently subjected to forced labour and imprisonment on top of that.

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You want to know why? It is simple really. If you have not noticed already, Men are an expendable resource and we take it. We all do. Sure, we get on these boards and talk to eachother about how much indignity it brings us as a whole. But who really listens? No one. And that is why no on is interested in the struggle of men.

Sick Boi

Men's Rights NOW!!

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