False Rape Accusation Follow up- "Just Shut Up".

I don't know if anyone remembered the original story here, but it was unusual in that a woman who made a false rape accusation was later charged and convicted with making that accusation, even though it was only a class C misdemeanor for filing a false police report. Now, apparently, it turns out that even this is too much for her and society to bear. Story here.

Despite the previous conviction, and prior to an appellate trial by a higher court, the judge dismissed the case, had the woman enter a "diversion" program, and is making sure no one says a word about it... even though it stems from a criminal case. What is the diversion program for making a false rape accusation that can put someone away for years? 40 hours of community service, talk to a mental-health counselor at least once about the case and post $250 security. If she violates the terms of the agreement, including talking to the media, she forfeits the money.

But even if she violates the agreement, the case against her will be dismissed by Dec. 15 and won't appear on her record.

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.... order everyone concerned with the matter to keep their mouths shut.

At least they had the intellegence to include in the order that the only penalty for this young girl when she violates this order is losing $250 and still not getting a criminal record. If they revoked the whole deal when she breaks the terms NOW would be on them like a pack of wild dogs for re-victumizing this poor little liar.

And a record would also provide evidence to discredit her and potentially save her next victum who may not be as lucky as the three boys in this case.

She will strike again.

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What the hell? The rape crisis center is concerned that she won't be believed? She bare-faced lied!! Of course, since it's her word against men's, she must be telling the truth. No matter that the judge found the three men to be more credible. She potentially put these three in jail, for a looong time, and saddled them with a criminal record, because she can't admit she acted like a slut. Yeah, let's empower women to victimize men. I mean, it's only fair, right?


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when i began my undergraduate studies, i was required to attend a date rape seminar (conducted by the women's studies department). all men were asked to raise their hands....the female spokeswoman, said "thankyou gentlemen"...youv'e identified yourselves as potential rapists. i then raised my hand and said "why dont you have the women raise their hands and identify themselves as potential false rape accusers"...i was told to leave the classromm.
how is this revelant to this article....i really dont know...a false rape claim, puts the male in a postion of victim, i was told (before thrown out)..that less than 1% of women lie about rape...im not a sucker, i know better, and from that day on, i have always challenged feminist propaganda. the irony is:....my girlfriend was more angry than i was, and approached the professor with contempt on her biogtry....i really believe most women see through the feminist hate...gentlemen...before i was unjustly thrown from the seminar...i battled this woman with logic that she could not handle....i was told to leave because i identified her bullshit....she was defeated, couldnt handle the situation, and i was subsequently removed....i left with a smile...she was challenged and lost.


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As some one who has been falsely accused or rape by a seriously mentally ill women (I was the 4th person she had charged - since being released from a psychiatric hospital for cutting and suicide attempts - and one poor soul was actually convicted)

I know just how easy AND REWARDING (every time a woman files charges against a man in Canada for sexual assault or domestic abuse she is intitled to no string attatched - meaning no testifying or conviction nessicary - victum services money) it is first hand for a woman in Canada to charge a man with rape

There was no evidence. My only connection to this girl was that I attended the same church she did 12 years ago. But since it was a similar situation to the Duke Lacrosse team in that I was accused of being a participant of a gang rape at a party she didn't really need any kind of solid identification just some vague recollecctions that did not even make sence to hear her tell them in her video taped interviews and written testimony.

The others she had accused prior to me were not alleged to have participated or been presant at this imaginary party. They just raped her at other times. I am convinced that this woman thinks every man that has ever laid eyes on her has raped her.

I am sorry but no one is unlucky enough to be raped violently by at least 4 different men who have no connections with one another in numerious unconnected incidents of rape. The odds are just astronomically low that something like that would ever occur without anyone ever knowing a damn thing about any of it.

Needless to say, it cost me everything I had in the world - including my career and fiancee - and I am still to this day fighting to have all record expunged - not an automatic process - since I was aquited of all charges. Though it's hard because I have already lost untold amounts of money defending myself plus lost wages ect.

I am working full time in a new feild (I am still blacklisted in my old one because the police chose my workplace to arrest me) but I am still paying off debts and legal fees so it's hard to find more to put toward having the records destroyed.

This can EASILY happen to any MAN in any of the feminized western countries. False accusations can and do happen and when you loose everything and are found not guilty no one will give a damn and you still will have lost everything for no reason at all.

This woman has not been charged though the three out of four of us who did not get convicted have requested charges be brought against her. The police refuse to charge her because she helps their incident statistics which are based on REPORTS and NOT on CONVICTIONS (ever wonder why people claim so many women are raped yet the number of convictions has been dropping for over 30 years. Well that's how). And the higher the incident reports the more money the government and tax payers dish out in the next budget.

There is no incentive for police to punish false accusers because police profit off of them under the current system.

As scary and unbelievable as all this sounds, it's reality, it happened to me and can happen to any man. And I have not yet discovered any way of protecting one's self from this type of random false accusation. If you have ever met a woman in your life, you are at risk of being accused of rape, it's that bad.

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