CSM: Men as Big Babies = Big Box Office $$$

CSM's film critic writes that Hollywood has invented a new cultural stereotype for men to add to our lexicon of deadbeat dads, homicidal maniacs, rapists, pedophiles, and incompetent eunuchs – the "Big Baby." A series of recent movies portray men as arrested adolescents who can't make the transition to married domesticity, fatherhood, and careerism. For the perpetual man-child, 'male camaraderie is both hailed and assailed. It represents a noble rite of passage that all too easily becomes a case of arrested development. The women in this universe are doting, exasperated saints who rescue men from themselves. These films are saying that men, left to their own devices, are nothing more than porno-obsessed lunkheads. Only through the acquisition of a wife and family are they truly fulfilled.'

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Its no wonder that as men stay away more and more from the absolute crap that's passed off as entertainment these days and women spend more and more, the media appeals to their baser instincts.

I wonder why 50 years ago the movies weren't about beating up and raping women? Why wasn't sexual assault and widespread rape on the streets the order of the day? Oh, that's right, men aren't as vile as the women who clamor for this stuff.

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That many Women are frustrated that they can't find a Mate. A Man willing to put his head underneath the Sword of Dammacles is their fault. And the fault of Trial Lawyers, Family Court Judges, Therapists, and the Child Support Collections Industry. Men are postponing or avoiding Marriage all together. The Liabilities are simply too great. So the FemNag's allies in Hollyweird call Men names. Oh how clever that is sure to get us to change our Minds. Like maybe George Clooney has changed his mind, Or Gene Simmons of KISS has changed his.

Nuts to that crap and the idiots who pander to the FemNags. Jennifer I am a Skank Anniston was begged by her ex to have kids. Her cavalier reply "I don't want to be rememebered as Rachel in Friends. I want to pursue my career." She got her wish and Angelina Jolie got Brad too bad Jen maybe next time you self absorbed intellectual lightweight you may think differently.

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