Ex-Teacher Goes to Jail for Nude Photos

“When Pamela Rogers, 29, was released after serving 198 days in jail, she was under orders not to contact the student or his family or use the Internet. But authorities say that even after appearing in court on a charge of violating her probation in April, she continued talking with the boy and sending him text messages and sexually explicit photos and video of herself.”

It’s refreshing to see a female sex predator being held culpable for her dastardly deeds. What is it about “STOP” that she didn’t understand!? Could it be that she was running with the notion that she would not be severely punished because she is a woman? Perhaps times are changing as precedents like this case would imply?

Story Here

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In my reading of that story, it would seem to UPHOLD virtually every gender bias out there.

She did not get more time. She simply has to serve the rest of her original sentance in prison. Though she clearly commited new crimes, she got now additional punishment.

Not to mention the fact that it is only after repeated violations that any further action was taken against her. She appears to have disobeyed every word of her sentance order with absolute impunity many times before anything was done to stop this woman. I am also certain that there are more acts that the court is unaware of.

Imagine the courts reaction if a male pedophile submitted evidence that he is a "sex addict" in his defence. Would that earn him leaniency?

Plus, she played every "I am a woman" so it's not my fault card she could think of. Even going to the point of blaming her ex-husband for everything. It must be his faul that she is a pedophile right? And if that doesn't work I'll throw in the "I will do anything [you want me to sleep with you to?] to rehabilitate myself" line pretending to know what she has done wrong.

A 29 year old man having sex with a 13 year old girl would recieve MUCH more then a 7 year suspended sentance right from the get go so there would have been no opertunity for the man - if the genders were reversed - to have stalked and further damaged the young girl.

No. I just don't see how this is an example of the times changing to favour a more balanced approach to treating male and female pedophiles equally. This woman was given every opertunity to walk away from this unpunished and it was her own self destructive actions that mean she will serve time in jail.

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Times are "changing"; however, there's certainly room for growth. I'm sure female predation is not something that was invented in the past 10 or 20 years; it wasn't until recently that they have started to be held accountable for their behavior in measurable degrees. It's interesting to note how the feminist goal of exposing male predation has served to shed light on female predation. Certainly, when it comes to accountability, there still exists disparity between the sexes; progress, not perfection.

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...As Feminists insisted be the case with male sex offenders, you are bound to catch things you did not intend to.

This is not progress either as it is only the most basic token effort on the part of the criminal justice system to maintain some kind of credability in the eyes of the public. there is absolutely no effort to catch female sex offenders, it just so happens that once in a while one or two are so outragious in their actions that they fall into the net.

It is only one type of female predation that is even acknowledged by the general public - teacher loves student - and they still mostly take the "he got lucky" view of it.

No one believes that women sexually abuse children in as many - if not a broader - ways as men. Since it is overwhelmingly women who are the primary murders of children as well, it's not that large a stretch of the imagination that women to kill their victums of sexual torture at rates that would astonish most people. Even sex crimes are more 50/50 between the genders then we like to believe.

We are still very much in the dark ages of understanding with regards to this issue and have a long way to go.

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...more shall be revealed.

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I feel like we are just getting worse and worse as the days go by. The feminist reich just needs to find new ways day to day to pass the buck onto men. Why dont they just all go and form a "feminist" nation. Hell look at how well Lesbos worked out! That community is still alive and kicking right?! LoL

Men's Rights NOW!!

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